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Definitely. Get acidolphilus tablets from drug store or Walmart and take as directed. Also, eat some yogurt to kill the bacteria. Include some garlic into your meals. Eat one wedge of garlic a day. Be careful of your stomach because as you swallow you are ingesting the infection so wash your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash like Cepacol (Rite Aid sells it). My best advice is that the person you are kissing has a clean mouth and teeth are in good condition and the person is in good health. Otherwise don't kiss them! You will become sick! And most of all don't kiss other parts of the body other than the mouth! Good luck. If you have it you will feel better within a few weeks.

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no you can't. oral yeast infection, unlike vaginal, is not contagious.

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Q: Can kissing pass oral yeast infection to your partner?
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If you have a vaginal yeast infection how common is it that your partner can contract it by performing oral sex?

Yes it will pass on , but not at each oral sex.

Can a man get something from a woman from yeast infection?

Yes. He can get a yeast infection on his penis, or if he performs oral, he could get thrush, which is a yeast infection in the mouth.

Can you pass yeast infection to your partner?

Candida is a species of yeast that is part of the normal flora on the skin and in the vagina of a human. What we call a "yeast infection" isn't a condition in which a person "catches" yeast, but is an imbalance or overgrowth of yeast. Candida causes diaper rash, intertrigo, vaginitis, oral thrush, and balanitis. None of these are considered "infectious diseases" that one catches from another human.

What is thrush in the mouth?

Oral thrush, or oral candidiasis, is a yeast infection in the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is a result of overgrowth of the fungus in the mouth.

Can oral thrush spread to a vaginal yeast infection?

Yes. Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth and can be spread to other warm moist areas of the body.

Can you drink tequila if you suffer from candida?

As long as you promise to use some Monistat, yes Oral candida or thrush doesn't mix well with things that dry your mouth, such as Tequila. Vaginal yeast infection, yes. Oral yeast infection (how did you get that.....EWWWWW!) No.

Can nitrofurantoin-macro cure a yeast infection?

Use of nitrofurantoin for prolonged or repeated periods may result in oral thrush or a vaginal yeast infection. So it can actually cause one.

What yeast infection medications are easier on the liver?

The creme you buy over the counter will not reach the liver. None of the medications for yeast infection do. They are not for oral use. Yeast infections usually clear up by themselves within 2 weeks.

Does your partner have to get treated for a yeast infection if you have one?

It is the ladies who usually get the yeast infection. As for treatment of yeast infection, antibiotics are the most common but it will cause drug resistance and can be easily recurrent. Herbal medicine like Fuyan Pill maybe a better option compared with antibiotics, because it is made from Chinese herbs without any side effects and drug resistance.

Can you use an over the counter medicine for yeast infections during pregnancy?

Yes. You can use a cream or a suppository just avoid the oral medications for a yeast infection.

What is it called when a woman gets a yeast infection in her mouth?

Oral candidiasis or "Thrush"...this is treated with a mouthwash and is extremely contagious.

Can I get a yeast infection from my girlfriend?

Exactly that: A yeast infection of the mouth or Oral yeast infection Though you can also label a yeast infection as "Candida infection" or in the case of the mouth an "Oral Candida infection" Candida fungus being the name of the bacteria (or yeast) Candida fungus is present in the mouth and various other parts of the body at all times, it doesn't present as a problem until it overwhelms the good bacteria in the area that usually keeps it in check. Then you end up with a bacteria explosion (called an infection), this can happen in various parts of the body, including the mouth. Some people call it "Thrush" or "Thrush mouth"