

Can kittens eat puppies

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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The answer is yes and no. If offered, a kitten or cat could indeed eat puppy meat. Cats, especially in the wild, do not really care where their food comes from - they eat what they can catch or find.

Of course, in both a wild and a domestic setting (perhaps even more so), it is highly unlikely a kitten would ever catch and eat a puppy. Usually, kittens are often smaller than puppies, and felines are built to catch and eat prey many times smaller than themselves, so catching a puppy, amongst all the other unlikely reasons, is improbable.

In a domestic setting, a human owner's care and morals make this situation completely impossible.

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13y ago

Letting a kitten eat dog food is not ideal at all. Cats have far more nutritional needs than a dog and dog food doesn't contain these essential nutrients such as taurine.

Cats, kittens especially, have a higher protein requirement than dogs. Meat is mostly made out of Protein and Fat, and cats use these as their primary energy source.

Taurine: Cats cannot synthesize this compound (unlike dogs and most other mammals), so they must get it straight from meat. Animal tissues such as poultry and fish are natually high in taurine. Not enough taruine in the cat's diet can lead to heart problems and blindness.

Vitamin A is another component cats cannot produce. Dogs can use a compound called "beta carotene" (its what gives fruits and vegatables such as carrots the red-orange colour) and turn that into Vitamin A. Cats cannot. They need to get Vitamin A from meat.

There are also number of fatty acids cats cannot synthesize in their bodies but dogs can, so feeding a cat food specially made for them is the safest option as all the nutrients are included in the food.

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Opossums are opportunistic omnivores. They are known to eat road kill, frogs, insects, snakes, birds, and small mammals. The chances that one will eat a kitten is very small unless there is an extreme shortage of food source. The bigger issue for you is the continuous birthing of kittens in your yard. You can call your local "trap and release" organization or cat rescue organization for a solution. The will assist in trapping the stray cats and spay/neutering them before releasing them again. This is beneficial both to you and the stray cats and does not harm them in any way.A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.

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The standard collective noun for puppies is a litterof puppies.

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The collective noun for kittens and puppies is a litter of kittens and a litter of puppies.

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