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Kittens can have polymyxin B sulfate eye drops. However, it is not recommended that these drops be given without first speaking to your veterinarian who will take things like the kitten's age and allergy history into consideration.

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Q: Can kittens have polymyxin B Sulfate eye drops?
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What is the cure for pinkeye?

Polymyxin B Sulfate and Trimethropin drops. 1 in infected eye every 2 hours.

How often do you use polymyxin b sulfate and trimethoprim solution for pink eye?

1 drop per affected eye every 3 hours

Does Polymyxin B Sulfate burn when put in eye?

My 7 year old son claims that it hurts. But the sensation passes quickly. Although I'm no doctor, the pharmacist says not to refrigerate it... and administering the drops at room temperature should less the discomfort. Can't do anything about the mild burning sensation due to the sulfate.

Is penicillin a sulfa drug?

No its a derivate of fungi and is come under antibiotics which have cidal effect. It binds to small ribosomal subunit and interfere with protein synthesis by directly inhibiting synthesis. e.g. Neomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin. Its a broad spectrum drug

How long do you have to take polymyxin B-tmp Eye Drops?

Usually one would use Tobramycin eye drops for 7 days to treat external eye infections. Please make sure that you use the eye drops for the duration prescribed even if you are feeling better. If after this time the infection still persists, please make an appointment to consult with your GP.

Can you put ciprodex eye drops in your kittens weepy eyes?

ciprodex is actually only for the EAR and should not be used in the eye for anyone or thing

Can polymyxin b sulfate and trimethoprim ophthalmic solution usp ok to use on a 2 year old for pink eye?

Yes. I was just in to see a doctor for pinkeye (I have bacterial conjunctivitis) and was prescribed Polymyxin E-TMP Eye Drops (1 drop every 3 hours for 1 week). Today is Day 4 and my eye is neither painful or swollen as it was on Day 1 to 2 and there is no yellow discharge; however, the redness color is still there (slightly less red than on Day 2). Good Luck!

What kind of eye care do baby kittens need?

Most baby kittens do not require eye care unless there is a discharge such as pus or blood. As baby kittens are very sensitive to chemicals, the best way to treat discharge is by using a damp, warm towel, and lightly cleaning the area. A Veternarian may also give a baby kitten antiobiotic eye drops, or wipes specifically for newborn and small kittens.

Will polymyxin B sulfate and trimethoprim ophthalmic solution harm you if used outdated?

If its one or two days over, you should be fine. I wouldn't chance it any longer than that, the expiration dates are placed on things like this for a reason. --My eye twacked out today and got infected..I just took my drops that were a little over a year old..i'll let you know soon

What does od mean in eye drops?

"od" on a prescription for eye drops mean "right eye"--as in apply the drops to the right eye. "os" means "left eye".

Can you use neomycin and polymyxin b on your dog?

My vet prescribed Fougera brand Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Bacitracin Zinc Ophthalmic Ointment USP for use in my dog when she had an eye infection.

What is the duration of Eye Drops?

The duration of Eye Drops is 1800.0 seconds.