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I've been bitten by them several times. They don't go around biting people on purpose, but if you, say, accidentally sit on one, it will bite in self-defense. It hurts, but doesn't seem to make you itch or anything.

>no they can not bite because they are so small that their mouths can hardly open i would be the only one to know that because i am a veterinarian /bug specialist

- No, lady bugs (or lady birds, whatever you wish to call them) cannot bite people. They are really tiny, and they are not made to bite animals like, say, a mosquito is. I think the first answerer is a little confused about what a lady bug is.

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Q: Can lady bugs bite a human?
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Do lady bugs bit?

No they do not bite the red Lady bugs are harmless.

Do native ladybugs bite?

no lady bugs can not bite

Can lady bugs bite?


If a lady bug could bite would it be poisonous?

yes Lady bugs do bite and it itches very badley it makes you have really big pink or red itches and they are all over your body and the bites get bigger the more you itch. -Amber

What lady bugs bite?

No not all ladybugs bite but the Asian lady beetles have been reported to nibble, nip, or "bite" humans. These lady beetles are not aggressive toward humans, they just simply may be examining an unfamiliar substrate or they may be seeking moisture. Their occasional nibbling is not reported to break the skin or draw human blood

What do orange lady bugs do they kill you?

They can bite, but no typiacally that is not enough to kill someone

Lady Bugs do they bite people?

No, they don't bite people. Occasionally they will secrete an orange liquid (supposedly foul tasting) to discourage you from biting them, though.

How does a lady bug help human?

the lady bugs eat aphids of whom destroy plants, particularly rosebushes.

What are lady bugs enimeis?

Well little children that like lady bugs but the poor lady bugs in danger. and other bugs want to eat the lady bugs.

What do lady bugs do?

They eat aphids to live

Do june bugs bite and if so what happens after they bite is there an after effect?

June bugs are not known to bite, they just swarm to light.

What are African lady bugs?

African lady bugs are red bugs that save trees by swarming on it