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Yes it can. Laryngitis is usually caused by a bacteria or a virus. When these bugs travel down your respiratory tract, they can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. Respiratory infections usually start with a cold in the nose which may spread to the sinuses, throat and lower respiratory tract. But just because you have the beginning of a cold does not mean that you will go on to develop any of these other problems of the upper or of the lower respiratory tract.

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Q: Can laryngitis turn into a respirtory infection?
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What is the definition of laryngitis?

Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx, leading to a hoarse voice, difficulty speaking, and sometimes sore throat or cough. It is usually caused by viral infections or overuse of the voice, and typically resolves on its own with rest and hydration.

Is laryngitis caused by a fungal infection?

Laryngitis is the name given for inflammation of the voice box or larynx. It is not a specific disease and can have several causes. A fungal infection could be one of these causes but it is normally a bacterial or viral infection that causes these symptoms.

What is the inflammation of the voicebox is called?

This is also known as laryngitis, Laryngitis is usually caused by a virus or occurs in people who overuse their voice. Occasionally, a person may develop laryngitis from bacterial infections, and rarely, from infections such as tuberculosis,syphilis, or a fungal infection.

Can laryngitis turn into pneumonia?

No, coughing helps prevent it.

What are the symptoms of the laryngitis?

usually laryngitis comes after a cold or other viral infection... usually upper respiritory associated with a common cold. You may have a sore throat with laryngitis, but the most common symptom is a hoarse or raspy voice, or loss of voice altogether. Laryngitis can last from 3 days to a week.

What are the symptoms of laryngitis?

usually laryngitis comes after a cold or other viral infection... usually upper respiritory associated with a common cold. You may have a sore throat with laryngitis, but the most common symptom is a hoarse or raspy voice, or loss of voice altogether. Laryngitis can last from 3 days to a week.

Is it possible to be temporarily mute?

An infection of the larynx, called laryngitis, can cause temporary difficulty in speaking.

Is bronchitis and upper respiratory infection the same thing?

it is a kind of upper respiratory tract infection...ear infection, laryngitis, pharyngitis etc, are other upper respiratory tract infections

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Your guinea pigs eye is watering why?

it might have an upper respirtory infection... uh oh......

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What is a remedy for laryngitis?

Possible remedies would depend upon the cause of the laryngitis. Laryngitis is usually a symptom of something else, so its remedy is usually going to be to treat the cause. It might be antibiotics if an infection is the cause, or it might be to refrain from speaking if over-use or abuse of the vocal chords is the problem. Laryngitis due to an injury might be treated by some sort of physiotherapy or non-use or surgery, etc.Ultimately, you need to have the cause diagnosed by a physician and treated as directed.