

Can less intake of water cause hot urine?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Can less intake of water cause hot urine?
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How can adequate water intake be judge by the color of urine?

The clearer your urine, the more water intake. The more yellow the urine, the less water intake. The yellow color of urine is a consequence of certain molecules our body produces. The intensity of color therefore depends on the production of these molecule by our body and the amount of water we drink and subsequently excrete in the urine.

How can adequate water intake be judged by the color urine?

The clearer your urine, the more water intake. The more yellow the urine, the less water intake. The yellow color of urine is a consequence of certain molecules our body produces. The intensity of color therefore depends on the production of these molecule by our body and the amount of water we drink and subsequently excrete in the urine.

Is pale urine normal?

The clearer your urine is, the less concentrated it is. If it is clear, it is almost all water, if it is pale there is less water.

What is the color of urine from a person with normal fluid intake?

If "normal" fluid intake is assumed to mean a properly hydrated person, urine should be clear to slightly pale yellow; the less colour, the better.

What happens if you drink less water?

your urine gets darker

What does it mean if your urine test comes back abnormal?

Means you have more or less water in your body darker urine means less water and less vitams and minerals

What is heavier water or pee?

Urine is about 95% water, but it contains urea (which can be harmful to the body) and other dissolved salts and organic compounds. These compounds are heavier than water, and therefore make urine heavier than water.

What happen to urine volume if you did not add ADH to the collecting duct?

I think the urine volume will significantly increase. The less water reabsorbed, the more urine will be formed.

What benefits would there be if you did drink your own urine?

If you have recently drank a quantity of treated water, then maybe the first time you drink your own urine it would be fairly diluted and might not harm you. But every time you drink your own urine without replenishing your intake of pure water the salts and other minerals in the urine becomes less and less diluted and more concentrated and will eventually severely dehydrate you and possibly kill you. For this reason very few survival experts recommend drinking urine.

Why do the kidneys produce less urine even though the athlete drinks more water?

Less urine is produced even though the athlete drinks more water because the water is used up to control body temperature and it is expelled by the body through sweat.

Does the urine smell strange during early pregnancy like medicine?

YES. If water intake is less or there is nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy, there may dehydration, leading to concentrated urine. So along with Anti emetic drugs your Gynecologist may give you can take salted water 3 to 4 grams/ liter and fruit juices(To replace body Potassium salts.)

Does alcohol cause kidney failure?

alcohol suppresses the amount of ADH (anti-diahretic hormone) released, causing less water being reabsorbed from urine to blood in kidneys. you will then produce a lot of dilute urine as a result >> To measure the alcohol concentration in their urine I would test the concentration of the urine, to test how much water there was in the urine. Normally, 95% of the urine is composed of water, but if the person had drunk alcohol, the kidneys would take out more water (from the blood) than usual and pass it into the urine. This would have a diluting effect on the urine, so more of the urine would be composed of water than normal. I could test for water by dipping dry cobalt chloride paper into the urine. I could then note any colour change. A pale pink would indicate water, and I could compare the colour of the paper to the other urine samples.