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Yes, lice will survive water including the washing machine. A hot dryer for 20 minutes on super high heat for anything material (pillows, blankets and stuffed animals) will kill any nits or bugs on them.

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12y ago

Head lice can not survive off of the head for more that 48 hours. They would not live in your bathtub. They actually go into a kind of suspended state of animation and lock down when they are in water.

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Q: Can lice live in a shower?
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What temperature will head lice not live in?

very hot weather, or water. Take a shower in hot water, not cold.

Can you take a shower after using RID lice shampoo?


Can lice be drowned?

Sadly, no. They hold their breath in water, so if your just taking a shower to get them out, that's not going to work. You have to get lice shampoo.

Can you wear a shower cap with Ovide Lice treament?

No what I have read says do not cover it.

Why do people hair itch?

because they might not have taken a shower or have head lice

How long to live lice live off the head?

lice can live only one to two days with out an host.

Why were the Jews heads shaved?

to minimize the amount of lice, they couldn't shower

Can hamsters get head lice from a human?

If Hamsters somehow happen to get Head Lice the Lice will not live

Can hair lice become body lice?

Not at all. Head lice are head lice and body lice are body lice. They are two separate parasites with identical images. Body lice tend to be found more on those who don't change clothing or don't shower. Head lice can be contracted from another person who has it. Head lice are more attracted to clean har so if you get them you are not dirty at all.

Do lice live on clothing?

They cannot live on clothes because lice feed on blood, and clothes do not have blood.

Do fish have lice?

NO Lice live on people's head to feed on blood.

How does lice get into your body?

Lice don't live in your body, they live on your body. Lice transmission is from shared items with someone who is infected (hairbrush, comb, scrunchies etc)