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Q: Can lincomycin substitute vancomycin in treating staph infection?
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Mercers disease to cure?

An MRSA infection could be treated successfully with with topical treatments and by keeping abscesses drained. There are some antibiotics which are used in effectively treating MRSA or Mercer. This strain of bacteria is not resistant to Vancomycin among a few other antibiotics - It is hoped that these antibiotics will remain capable in treating mercer infection.

What can you do to treat mrsa?

Vancomycin is the preferred antibiotic for treating MRSA infections. Other drugs which have treated it effectively include sulfa drugs and tetracyclines.

What antibiotic is effective against bacillus cereus?

In many studies ciprofloxacin and vancomycin have been found to be very effective in treating against B. Cereus. Penicillin was not effective.

Is rocephin used for MRSA?

No, rocephin is ineffective treating MRSA. Get wound culture to determine identity and sensitivities. usually treated with bactrim, minocycline, and if bad enough IV vancomycin.

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No. Its for treating urinary tract infections

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Not over the long run, for sure.

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How can you prevent spread of systemic infection?

By treating it quickly and making sure your immune system is the best it can be.

Is flexeril used for uti infection?

No. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant and not helpful in curing or treating the symptoms of UTI.

What precautions are required for health care workers when treating patients with Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci'?

contact and droplet precaution and includes, having a private room where he/she is the only patient and wont spread the bacteria/virus. gowns, mask, gloves, proper handwashing...

Does treating a viral infection with antibiotics affect the course of the infection?

Antibiotics do nothing to treat a viral infection. However, in some cases a physician thinks a patient needs a bacterial infection treated in order to throw off a viral infection.