

Can lions get sick

Updated: 9/17/2023
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7y ago

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yes lions can get sick


of course all living organisms get sick.

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Q: Can lions get sick
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What is good about a lion?

Lions are great because they are beautiful creatures, and they are part of the circle of life. Lions put dying or sick animals out of misery by killing them for food. They also ensure that the fastest and/or strongest of their prey DOES survive, ensuring THAT species' continuance. Mountain lions are STILL lions.

Do lions get ill?

yes, because if they don't eat then they don't drink they will be sick and if it is not take care of it it will die

Tell you a quote about lions?

You mean a quote about lions that is in Twilight? Like: Edward: "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." Bella: "What a stupid lamb." Edward: "What a sick masochistic lion." Is this what you're looking for?

Is a lion helpful yes or no?

Lions are helpful in nature because they tend to "weed out" old, sick, or wounded animals and consume them as their prey.

What are the enemies of the lion?

Crocodiles, hyenas, and wild dogs are all enemies of the lion, who is otherwise an apex predator along with the leopard, cheetah, and panther.

Why do zerbras have stripes?

Zebras are always in herds and their stripes help confuse enemies that are chasing them like lions. Lions like to chase down sick and young zeebras, but when all lions see is a black and white illusion this is very hard to disipher those zebras apart. Also, llamas like these stripes.

What tourists could do to help the lions?

obviously no littering, and interaction can cause problems also, it may cause the lions to walk up to humans, or view us as prey. That's one of the main reasons you see the 'don't feed the animal signs' at the zoo. Preservatives in food might cause the lions to get sick, if their stomachs aren't equipped to digest it.

Do people kill lions because they are scared of them?

People don't kill lions anymore really. Only high risk poachers. But people don't kill lions because they are scared of them. Mostly poachers kill them for their skin. People love lion skin like a carpet, they like the head on the mantle. And some people stuff them. I know its sick and saddening but its the truth.

Is mountain lion a predator?

Mountain lions are big cats with usually tan fur, and they eat meat, preferrably deer. Cougars sometimes called Mountain Lions like to eat deer, sheep, domestic cattle, horses, , particularly in the northern part of its range, but it eats things as small as insects and rodents

Are the mom lions bigger than the dad lions?

No. Male lions, and therefor all father lions, are, as a general rule, are considerably larger than female lions (mother lions).

When there are fewer zebras than usual explain how does this affect the population of lions?

This is an example of a predator prey relationship. They depend on each other. Without one, both one die. If the Zebra population decreases, then the lion population will decrease a bit, but not much because there are other animals for lions to eat.

Do people have lions has pets?

Lions can't be pets. People don't have lions as pets. Lions belong in the zoo. Lions are wildcats. Only at home cats can be as pets. Lions are from the African Jungle.