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I found this, can anyone try and explain if it has anything to do with the question and will it help? Autoradiography of manganese: accumulation and retention in the pancreas. Lyden A, Larsson BS, Lindquist NG. By means of whole-body autoradiography, the general distribution of 54MnCl2 was studied in mice and a Marmoset monkey. High accumulation and retention were observed in the pancreas in both species. Gamma counting experiments in mice after a single intravenous injection of 54MnCl2 showed that the level in the pancreas exceeded that of the liver at all survival times (20 min. - 30 days). Also in the monkey, the concentration in the pancreas exceeded that of the liver, and the pancreas had the highest tissue/liver ratio of the organs measured at 24 hours after injection. The high uptake and long retention in the pancreas suggest that manganese is of importance for the pancreatic function but also that the pancreas may be a target organ for manganese toxicity. Positron tomography, using 11C-labelled amino acids, has been found to be a promising diagnostic technique for the study of pancreatic disease. Positron emitting manganese isotopes may be worth further studies as possible agents for pancreatic imaging.

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Q: Can manganese poisoning affect the pancreas and cause death?
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Is manganese dangerous?

Manganese is a little bit dangerous in drinking water but won't affect your health.Manganese is a very common compound that can be found everywhere on earth. Manganese is one out of three toxic essential trace elements, which means that it is not only necessary for humans to survive, but it is also toxic when too high concentrations are present in a human body. When people do not live up to the recommended daily allowances their health will decrease. But when the uptake is too high health problems will also occur.The uptake of manganese by humans mainly takes place through food, such as spinach, tea and herbs. The foodstuffs that contain the highest concentrations are grains and rice, soya beans, eggs, nuts, olive oil, green beans and oysters. After absorption in the human body manganese will be transported through the blood to the liver, the kidneys, the pancreas and the endocrine glands.Manganese effects occur mainly in the respiratory tract and in the brains. Symptoms of manganese poisoning are hallucinations, forgetfulness and nerve damage. Manganese can also cause Parkinson, lung embolism and bronchitis. When men are exposed to manganese for a longer period of time they may become impotent.A syndrome that is caused by manganese has symptoms such as schizophrenia, dullness, weak muscles, headaches and insomnia.Because manganese is an essential element for human health shortages of manganese can also cause health effects. These are the following effects:- Fatness- Glucose intolerance- Blood clotting- Skin problems- Lowered cholesterol levels- Skeleton disorders- Birth defects- Changes of hair colour- Neurological symptomsChronic Manganese poisoning may result from prolonged inhalation of dust and fume. The central nervous system is the chief site of damage from the disease, which may result in permanent disability. Symptoms include languor, sleepiness, weakness, emotional disturbances, spastic gait, recurring leg cramps, and paralysis. A high incidence of pneumonia and other upper respiratory infections has been found in workers exposed to dust or fume of Manganese compounds. Manganese compounds are experimental equivocal tumorigenic agents.Source:

Can stainless steel cause metal poisoning?

Any metal can cause toxic metal poisoning. Stainless steel is comprised of iron, nickel and/or chromium (and more) in various proportions. It is unusual that these could dissolve into food / water, but not impossible. Usually the Biology necessary to cause this sort of "accident" is worse than the metals of the alloy.

Why is white lead not used in paint?

It tended to cause absorption of excessive lead into the system (lead poisoning), and its use has been banned in most countries. Lead can cause heavy-metal poisoning

What is the function of manganese?

First of all: Manganese has a rather complex toxicity (liver, brain, muscles, nerves). But having said so, in humans several enzymes are activated by manganese. The role in digestion is contribution to the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol.

Can poisoning cause a seizure?

It can, though it would likely not be common or an initial symptom.A high fever from Shigella can cause seizures in young children.One of the symptoms of Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning is seizures.Someone who is severely affected by E. coli O157:H7 could develop Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome which can have lifelong effects - including seizures.See Related Links.

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How does lead poisoning affect children?

lead poisoning in a child can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation. At very high levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

Can wine cause food poisoning?

No. It can however cause alcohol poisoning.

How does eating too much affect the pancreas?

Eating too much can cause a large intake of sugars. The pancreas is an organ that makes insulin, to keep the sugar level under control. If there is too much sugar, the pancreas can fail to make enough insulin. The chronic condition of a failing pancreas is known as Diabetes.

Are you more susceptible to food poisoning once you've had it?

No. It doesn't matter if you already had it. There are many types of bacteria that can cause food poisoning; having had it from one type of bacteria does not affect getting it from another.

What fungi cause food poisoning?

Mucor,Penicillium,Aspergillus can cause food poisoning

Why would the size of the pancreas increase?

Pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, would cause a pancreas to swell or increase in size.

Could pancreas problems cause you to vomit?

Yes, it can. Pancreas problems can cause fluid and air to build up in the stomach, which can cause severe vomiting.

Can lead cause chemical poisoning?

It can cause poisoning that leads to learning disabilities and behavioral problems in children.

What can cause pancreas lump?


Which metals can cause food poisoning?

Food stored in containers lined with cadmium has been known to cause poisoning.

What is the leading cause of poisoning in adults?

Drug overdoses, both accidental and intentional, are the leading cause of poisoning in adults.