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Lupus rash is caused by autoimmune activity. The immune mistakes the skin for a pathogen and so attacks it causing the rash. The honey may soothe the rash, but the underlying autoimmune activity has to be addressed as well. Topical steroid creams can be helpful. The sun makes lupus rashes worse.

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Q: Can mantuka honey heal lupus rash?
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Can you pass the lupus rash to someone else?

Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease, but it is not contagious. You cannot *pass on* the lupus rash to someone else.

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A butterfly rash that appears on the nose and cheek can signify systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease.

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It could possibly be Lupus.

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you wait for it to go away

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Lupus and rosacea are not the same thing. A dermatologist would need to do a biopsy to determine if redness and inflammation are caused by lupus or rosacea. It is possible for a lupus rash to look lmuch like rosacea.

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In many cases, an anti-fungal cream will heal a chronic rash under the breasts of a diabetic. Check with your doctor to make sure the rash is fungal.

Is an autoimmune disorder that is characterized by a red scaly rash on the face and upper trunk?

Systemic lupus erythematosuslupus erythematosus

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Rubbing acid into open wounds is going to be painful. The rash will heal on its own. Keep it clean and dry.

Does manukavhelps lupus rush?

Lupus rash is caused by the person's immune system misbehaving. Lupus manifestations are controlled by taking immunosuppressive medications and managing triggers like ultraviolet light, stress, and toxins.