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Well you would have to find the right spell. Especially for married people. To find out if some one has done this put bits of crushed garnet in lemon tea and whisper your partner's name. If the tea does not go a deep red then they have done the spell. If you are looking to do such a thing, beware of your partners feelings. You would not like to be betrayed by magic would you?

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Q: Can married people cast love spells to be with someone else?
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How do you tell if someone has cast a spell on someone you love?

There is no need to tell. People cannot cast spells, it is a fantasy.

How do you cast a spell over someone?

You cannot. The ability to cast spells is a fantasy.

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No, You cant cast a spell on yourself but you can cast a spell on other people. Secret Builders allows many spells to be casting on other people. Sorry for not getting your hopes up for casting spell on yourself. P.S. No one does spells anymore.

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My son is only in grade three, but he spells very well. The witch would cast many spells on people.

Are spells witchcraft?

Yes, spells of all kinds are forms of witchcraft. More importantly, love spells are generally not just inadvisable, but unethical. Most love spells available to the uninitiated are spells meant to be cast on someone else. Casting a spell on someone else without their express knowledge and permission is manipulative, unethical and rarely if ever work in the manner you expect. The only love spells that work well are spells cast upon yourself help you become the sort of person who can attract, keep and return the love they deserve.

How do you cast spells in Harry Potter 6?

you can cast spells by click on the mouse.

Who casts spells on Halloween?

No one. Casting spells is a fantasy.Another view:I have cast spells and plenty of people in the US who are sincere practitioners of various pagan religions do cast spells. They would consider calling their religious rituals mere fantasy as insulting. Individuals from various pagan faiths do cast actual literal spells on Halloween, and so do some who call themselves "Devil Worshipers." However, the success of their spells is unknown.

Can witches do spells?

yes, witches do spells, but most witches do not perform spells that interfere with someone else's free ill, for example, love spells that would either break up two people, or put two unlikely people together, or a spell to harm somebody. You could put two people together with a spell if it would make them happier, but only if it would. So, my answer is yes, witches do spells, but only spells that wouldn't interfere with other people's free will.

Can love spells cause bleeding?

If you were the one to cast it and it went wrong... Yes If someone cast it upon you without your knowledge... No If someone cast it upon you with your permission and knowledge... not usually, unless it went very wrong.

What are merlin's spells?

Spells said to be cast by the great wizard Merlin.

What do you do to be a witch?

Cast spells

Did Lord Voldemort bewitch people?

Lord Voldemort cast spells on people but often left the work to his death eaters.