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Q: Can mealworms eat onions pickles and strawberries?
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Can you eat strawberries with stomach ulcers?

Yes Doesn't sound like a very smart idea.

Can mealworms eat cacti in the desert?

Mealworms do not eat cacti.

Can Mealworms eat other mealworms in south Africa?

Of course they can they eat anything

Can Salamanders eat Mealworms?

Yes because it can eat crickets and mealworms if it is a house pet or not but i prefer mealworms,they work better.Make sure they're alive!

What is a fun fact on mealworms?

-We eat atleast 1 pound of mealworms a year!-Mealworms cant kill us -Mealworms turn into darkling Beatles. -Egg:Larva:Pupa:Beatle.

What does a scopion eat?

crickets and mealworms

Can mealworms eat cacti in the Sahara Desert?

No, mealworms do not eat cacti and cacti do not occur naturally in the Sahara. Cacti are natives to American deserts.

Can mealworms eat bread?

No , we don't think so. Because when the mealworms eat oatmeal, it is reduced to a flour- like substance.

What do leapoards eat?

cricks. waxworms but not mealworms

What do skunks eat in the wild?

crickits and mealworms

What kind of pickles do Japanese people eat?

fish pickles

Why does Justin eat pickles?

Cuz pickles r good