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Q: Can measles virus cause paralysis
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Does Wst Nile Virus cause paralysis of hind legs?

West Nile virus can cause paralysis of hind legs as well as paralysis of other parts of the body. If left untreated, West Nile virus can be fatal.

Which bacteria cause measles?

rubeola virus

Does bacilli cause measles?

No, bacilli are a certain species of bacteria; measles are caused by a virus.

Does bacteria cause rubella?

No, measles is caused by an infection with the measles virus this is a very contagious disease

What microbes cause measles and tetanus?

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani. Measles is caused by a virus.

What pathogens cause measles?

It is a virus called rubeola (not to be confused with rubella).Measles is caused by the measles virus, " a single-stranded, negative-sense enveloped RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus within the family Paramyxoviridae." Rubella, otherwise known as German measles, is caused by the rubella virus. German measles is less potentially dangerous than "regular" measles, except in pregnant women, where it can cause miscarriage or birth defects.Some animals and plants suffer from diseases which are also called "Measles" but which are caused by entirely different pathogens (such as parastical worms).The pathogen that causes Measles is the Measles virus, a type of paramyxovirus. Here's a brief description of it:

Are Measles caused by a virus or bacterium?

Measles is caused by virus.

How are measles and mumps virus similar to rubella virus?

Chickenpox and measles are both viral communicable illnesses spread by respiratory droplets that can cause rashes. They are both vaccine-preventable.

Is measles a virus fungi bacteria or protozoa?

Measles is caused by a virus.

What micro organism causes measles?


What kind of pathogen is German measles?

An ariborne pathogen that targets the respiratory tracts is the rubella virus. Rubella virus is also known as the German Measles. Treatment for the rubella virus is a vaccine.German measles or Rubela is caused by a special type of microbe called as 'Virus'.

What courses the measles?

measles are caused by a virus