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Q: Can medical marijuana patients purchase firearms in california?
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Is marijuana legal in California without a card?

Yes, recreational marijuana is legal in California for adults 21 and older. You do not need a medical card to purchase or use marijuana from a licensed dispensary.

Can i purchase a firearm in California?

You must be a California resident and eligible to own firearms in order to do this.

How old do you have to be to purchase marijuana in California?

in California u can purchace marijuana with a prescription and u have to be older than 21 in California u can purchace marijuana with a prescription and u have to be older than 21

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It is legal for medicinal use only. So a prescription would be required to purchase marijuana legally. Recreational smoking of marijuana is illegal but very common

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The Savage Arms Company is an American manufacturer of firearms. One can purchase Savage firearms accessories directly from the manufacturer's website.

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One can purchase Jennings firearms from the following sources: Homestead Firearms, Guns America, Lion Seek, Bryco - Jennings, Jimenez Arms, eBay, Family Friends Firearms, to name a few.

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One can purchase hi point firearms at shops like Gun Broker, Hi-Point Firearms, or Impact Guns. One can go to the official website of these shops to check out the credentials needed for the purchase.

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Can a felon be employed around firearms?

No. A felon may not purchase, possess, or have access to firearms, period.

How can you get prescribed for marijuana?

You cannot get a prescription for marijuana here in the US, or in any county in the world. What is called medical marijuana is merely a note from a doctor that allows their patient to purchase marijuana in a legal manner. The note just allows them not to be arrested. It is not a prescription. For it to be a prescription it would have to be a regulated substance by the FDA, and clearly it is not. There are doctors that give their cancer or epilepsy patients a note that makes it legal for them to posses it, but it is not a prescription.

Are there children on medical marijuana?

You must be 21 years or older to purchase medical marijuana.