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"Medications are usually not used in sleep apnea treatment. By losing weight or quitting smoking, you can possibly self treat sleep apnea problems. The alternative to this is sleeping with a breathing device."

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Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea begins with reducing the use of alcohol or tranquilizers in the evening, if these have been contributing to the problem. Quitting smoking is recommended.

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Tricyclic antidepressant drugs such as protriptyline (Vivactil) may help by increasing the muscle tone of the upper airway muscles, but their side effects may severely limit their usefulness.

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What type of sleep apnea is treated with mechanical ventilators?

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, the most successful treatment is nighttime use of a ventilator, called a CPAP machine. used to treat both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

Can hypnosis cure sleep apnea?

No. Hypnosis can be used for treatment of psychological conditions such as slepplessness due to anxiety, but sleep apnea is a physical condition. Trying to treat sleep apnea with hypnosis would be like trying to cure a heart condition with hypnosis - it's just the wrong kind of treatment.

What surgery is used to treat sleep disorders?

.making a surgical opening into the windpipe (a tracheostomy) for sleep apnea or hypopnea in adults is a treatment of last resort. surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids is a fairly common and successful treatment.

What is the name of the device that is used to treat sleep apnea?

CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

What is a sleep apnea mask used to treat?

A sleep apnea mask is used to treat the condition sleep apnea. It provides a method to allow a free passage way for breathing so that an individual does not experience temporary pauses in breathing while sleeping.

Is it true that positive pressure ventilation is used to treat sleep apnea?

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, the most successful treatment is nighttime use of a ventilator, called a CPAP machine. Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), is an alternative form of ventilation.

Is there are sleep apnea treatment that one should start with when suffering from that problem?

There are machines known as continuous positive air pressure (CPAP) machines used for treatment of sleep apnea. These machines come in different varieties (several can be found online) and work by forcing breathing if it stops during sleep. Other possible treatments are surgery and breathing exercises such as learning to play the didgeridoo.

What are some treatments for sleeping apnea?

There are many treatments for sleep apnea which one can try. One can try a CPAP device to help while sleeping. Using a humidifier and nasal sprays can also be used to treat sleep apnea.

What are the cures for sleep apnea?

It depends upon the cause of sleep apnea. Some people have sleep apnea because they are overweight. Solution: lose weight. Some people have sleep apnea because of nasal/septal defects. Solution: have surgery. There are medical treatments though to help a person breathe freely at night. One is called a CPAP machine. Discuss with a pulmonologist what are the causes and treatments for specific forms of sleep apnea.

What element is poisonous but was once used for medical treatment?

A medicine that is poisonous, but was once used for medical treatment is Warfarin or Coumadin. These are both medicines used to thin the blood, but are also used in rat poison. Ether is also poisonous and was used in surgery to put a patient to sleep.

Are there 8 hour recording tapes to see if you have sleep apnea?

I assume you man recording yourself during the night.This will not give a definitive diagnosis of sleep apnea. Snoring, while it may indicate sleep apnea, may also be unrelated to apnea. And you can have sleep apnea without snoring at all.You really need to have a sleep test to see if you have sleep apnea. In my case, there was no charge for the test, and it took only one night with a small device that I took home with me and used in my own bed. It measures rate and depth of breathing, pulse rate and blood pressure, and oxygen consumption. You take the device back the next day, and your results are sent to your doctor.

What is the purpose of a sleep apnea mask?

A CPAP machine is used for patients who suffer from a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a person is sleeping and they stop breathing for up to a few minutes at a time. A CPAP machine when worn at night time will help keep airways open so the person does not stop breathing.