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A sleep apnea mask is used to treat the condition sleep apnea. It provides a method to allow a free passage way for breathing so that an individual does not experience temporary pauses in breathing while sleeping.

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Q: What is a sleep apnea mask used to treat?
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What is the name of the device that is used to treat sleep apnea?

CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

What type of sleep apnea is treated with mechanical ventilators?

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, the most successful treatment is nighttime use of a ventilator, called a CPAP machine. used to treat both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

How to Find the Most Comfortable Sleep Apnea Mask?

A sleep apnea mask can be a life-saving device for any individual suffering from sleep apnea. This is a disorder in which the individual stops breathing periodically during sleep due to blockage of the windpipe, usually from the person’s tongue, fleshy uvula at the back of the throat or tonsils. These periods of breathing difficulty can disturb an individual’s sleep pattern and ultimately cause fatigue. A sleep apnea mask, also called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device, is often medically recommended in order to help keep the throat passage open for the passage of more air. Because the device must be worn faithfully every night while sleeping and even during the day when taking a short nap, it’s essential to find a sleep apnea mask that feels as comfortable as possible. Research shows that many sleep apnea patients fail to use their mask at least half of the time due to some sort of discomfort while wearing it. Take your time selecting a mask that will fit your face. Decide if you want a nasal mask that fits solely over your nose, an oral mask that fits strictly over your mouth, a full face mask that fits over both the nose and the mouth, or a nasal insert that delivers air directly through the nasal passages. Find out what material the sleep apnea mask is made from to be sure you are not allergic. Find out if moisturizer creams can be used with the mask to minimize skin irritation. Choose a sleep apnea mask that has comfortable, padded straps to attach the mask to your face, as well as a comfortable chin strip for those who tend to sleep with their mouth open. The straps of the sleep apnea mask should secure the mask to the head snugly but not tightly. Some sleep apnea masks can be made to feel more comfortable by using nasal sprays to help keep the nasal passages from feeling dry and stuffy while the mask is being worn. Once a comfortable sleep apnea mask is selected, it’s important to build up tolerance for wearing the mask. Some patients get used to wearing a sleep apnea mask by increasing usage every night by at least one hour. It’s also important for sleep apnea mask users to seek out their doctor’s advice for any problems that arise with wearing the mask on a nightly basis.

What does 'sleep apnoea full face mask' mean?

A sleep apnea full face mask is a type of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) mask that covers both the nose and mouth to deliver pressurized air to treat obstructive sleep apnea. It is typically used when a person breathes through their mouth during sleep or experiences difficulty breathing through the nose with other types of masks.

What are some treatments for sleeping apnea?

There are many treatments for sleep apnea which one can try. One can try a CPAP device to help while sleeping. Using a humidifier and nasal sprays can also be used to treat sleep apnea.

What is the purpose of a sleep apnea mask?

A CPAP machine is used for patients who suffer from a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when a person is sleeping and they stop breathing for up to a few minutes at a time. A CPAP machine when worn at night time will help keep airways open so the person does not stop breathing.

Can hypnosis cure sleep apnea?

No. Hypnosis can be used for treatment of psychological conditions such as slepplessness due to anxiety, but sleep apnea is a physical condition. Trying to treat sleep apnea with hypnosis would be like trying to cure a heart condition with hypnosis - it's just the wrong kind of treatment.

Is it true that positive pressure ventilation is used to treat sleep apnea?

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, the most successful treatment is nighttime use of a ventilator, called a CPAP machine. Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP), is an alternative form of ventilation.

Which procedure is used for sleep apnea?

weight reduction usually helps a lot. also there is a machine that delivers air through a mask that you wear at night.

Do you have any medicine that is used for treating sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a very serious condition and should be treated. It is advised that you see a general practitioner or doctor before you take any kind of medication. Surgery may be considered to treat the condition.

If i have sleep apnea and cannot get used to the oxygen mask i am supposed to wear while sleeping am i better off without it?

You know I cannot wear it myself. Very uncomfortable plus the idiots are not even trying to fix my restless leg syndrome and I had sleep study and they gave me ambian. Yet they think I can magically sleep with this mask . I mean the one at sleep study was not that bad. So why don't they get something like that for me? Makes me wonder if I really have sleep apnea or they are using the money from my insurance.

Can medicines be used as a sleep apnea treatment?

"Medications are usually not used in sleep apnea treatment. By losing weight or quitting smoking, you can possibly self treat sleep apnea problems. The alternative to this is sleeping with a breathing device."