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Q: Can micro organisms reproduce
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How often do micro organisms reproduce?

they multiply themselves

What micro organisms reproduce without water?

None of them. All life as we know it needs water.

Do all micro-organisms multiply?

Yes, to defined as life, a lifeform must reproduce in some way.

Why is foodborne micro-organisms differ from food poisoning micro-organisms?

they reproduce more than food poisoning microorganisms. In food poisoning the microorganisms are spreadable but not in food borne microorganisms :) Hope his helps Janet

How do micro organisms grow and spread so quickly?

they are exponential growers meaning they reproduce in regular incremenys of time

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro-organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

Can washed lettuce lasts a week washed in refrigerator?

Yes, as the micro organisms help reproduce the lettuce and therefore it can stay there for a week.

How do you kill micro organisms?

micro organisms can kill you by causing diseases

Does all micro-organisms feed on dead organisms only?

no not all micro organisms feed on dead organisms only

What is the difference between micro organisms and organisms?

micro organisms are very tiny, invisible to the naked eye

How do micro organisms affect our lives?

Micro-organisms affect every facet of our lives. From disease to digestion, nothing we do remains unaffected by micro-organisms.