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Q: Can mild epilepsy be caused by head injury as a child?
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Can Epilepsy Be Caused By Whiplash?

If someone was to sustain a head injury in an accident, it could potentially lead to epilepsy. So in the course of getting whiplash, it is possible to sustain a head injury and that could result in epilepsy. For individual cases a lot of examination would have to go into finding out what exactly happened and can the seizures be attributed to the head injury.

How common is epilepsy after a head injury?

Epilepsy occurs in 2-5% of those who have had a head injury; it is much more common in people who have had severe or penetrating injuries.

Can a 4 year old get epilepsy after getting a head injury a month before having seizures?

A head injury can cause seizures at any age. This is one of the reasons why when a child bangs their head, they should be checked out

Will my child have epilepsy if you marry your first cousin?

No. Epileptic seizures are normally caused by a disruption in the normal electrical activity in the brain, sometimes as a result of a small piece of damage to the brain, like someone might sustain in a head injury. Epilepsy can be hereditary, but marrying a cousin is not going to be a cause.

What can cause epillipsy?

Brain damage from a head injury or toxic substances can cause epilepsy.

What is Amnesia caused by?

Amnesia can be caused by head injuries, brain disease, or epilepsy, as well as by dissociation

Will you have epilepsy for life?

Not necessarily. It will depend on the type and cause of epilepsy. Some children get epilepsy which stops when they grow up. Some people get epilepsy as a result of a head injury. If the head injury heals their seizures may stop. Some people will have their epilepsy for life. They could have it for all of their life, or get it at some point and then have it for the rest of their life. Epilepsy can be controlled by medication, so some people get their epilepsy under control and if they stick to looking after themselves, they will not have seizures although technically they still have epilepsy. Each case is different and it has to be monitored by the person and their doctor.

Is Epilepsy a psychiatric or neurogical?

Epilepsy is a physical condition, so it is neurological. It is not in any way a psychiatric or mental illness. Seizures are normally caused by extra electrical activity in the brain, which can be caused by a variation of things, quite commonly if someone has received a head injury resulting in some physical damage to the brain. People with epilepsy are not mentally ill and lead perfectly normal lives.

Can there be personality changes before a person has their first seizure?

Epilepsy is a physical illness, not a psychological or psychiatric one. So in general the answer is no. One reason for Epilepsy can be a head injury. A head injury in itself could cause problems for a person which might change their behaviour, but it would be nothing to do with the Epilepsy. A change in behaviour would be another side-effect of the head injury like the Epilepsy itself would be, but they have no connection to each other. Those would be rare, so as I said, the answer to your question would be no in the vast majority of cases.

How do you avoid getting epilepsy?

There are many reasons and causes of epilepsy, so it is not really possible to say what can be done to avoid it. It isn't like an infectious disease that you can get vaccinated against. Only about 1 in every 200 people have some form of epilepsy. Something like a head injury can result in epilepsy, so you could say that trying to avoid getting any sort of a serious head injury in your lifetime is one way or trying to avoid getting epilepsy.

Is epilepsy caused by a virus?

No. Epilepsy is not an infectious disease that you can catch from someone or through a virus. It is a physical ailment, affecting electronic activity in the brain There are various causes for that, but a virus would not be amongst them. Unless a virus could cause some physical damage to the brain, there is no way it can cause epilepsy.

Is epilepsy a psychiatric problem?

No, it is a physical condition. It is not in any way a psychiatric or mental illness. Seizures are normally caused by extra electrical activity in the brain, which can be caused by a variation of things, quite commonly if someone has received a head injury resulting in some physical damage to the brain. People with epilepsy are not mentally ill and lead perfectly normal lives.