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Epilepsy is a physical illness, not a psychological or psychiatric one. So in general the answer is no. One reason for Epilepsy can be a head injury. A head injury in itself could cause problems for a person which might change their behaviour, but it would be nothing to do with the Epilepsy. A change in behaviour would be another side-effect of the head injury like the Epilepsy itself would be, but they have no connection to each other. Those would be rare, so as I said, the answer to your question would be no in the vast majority of cases.

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Q: Can there be personality changes before a person has their first seizure?
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You just had a seizure should you go to the emergency room?

If someone has never had a seizure before, he/she needs to go to the ER for evaluation. If the person has had a seizure before, he/she needs to follow the direction of the doctor that treats the seizures.

What should you record following a seizure?

When it happened. How long it lasted. The type of seizure. How the person felt before and after the seizure. Did they have an aura? Any potential reasons for the seizure. If you are the person who has had the seizure, some of the information can obviously only be got by someone who saw the seizure, so you will need to talk to them. If no one saw it, just record what you know. If you are recording details of another person's seizure, then you will need to get some information from them.

Is there a way to show evidence that someone had a seizure like in a CT scan etc?

Not really no, you can only determine it from patient history, first person observation or EEG changes during a seizure.

What is aura regarding seizures?

Many people with Epilepsy experience an aura before a seizure starts. An aura is normally a sensation that a seizure is potentially coming, or the first stage of a seizure. Sometimes nothing happens after the aura and a full seizure does not actually happen. The nature of an aura can vary from person to person.

What changes a person's personality?

Quantum personality change is "when someone drastically changes his or her personality within an extremely short period of time For example, if someone dramatically altered his or her personality within a day or less, it would be a quantum personality change."

What anime has the person whose personality changes depending on what side his eye patch is on?


What happens after seizure?

After having a seizure a person will become tired and feel worn down. Upon coming out of a seizure a person can be confused, disoriented and lack the ability to concentrate. Seizures can have many other effects as well depending on the person, type of seizure and severity of the seizure.

How is the personality of a person affected if that person is disabled or has defects?

It is not possible to say as we cannot know what the persons personality would have been without the disabilities. For traumatic disabilities we have direct evidence. The personality changes can be major or undetectable depending on the individual.

Can electro stimulation cause a seizure in a person who has never had a seizure?

Yes, electroconvulsive therapy can cause a seizure in people that have never had a seizure. However, beyond that, general electrical stimulation on the body (such as with a TENS machine) should not induce a seizure in a person who is not an epileptic.

What happens if a person with dissociative identity disorder commits a crime?

does not experience separate and distinct personality changes

Is it possible for someone to die from a petit mal seizure?

A petit mal seizure will not kill a person.

How can seizures cause coma?

During a seizure a person can lose consciousness. If they had a really bad seizure, they could be unconscious for a long time. If they had some damage to their brain, which may be causing their epilepsy in the first place or was caused during a seizure from the intensity of the seizure or the person falling and hitting their head, they could remain unconscious for a longer time and be in a coma. For the vast majority of people with epilepsy, there is only a temporary loss of conciousness when they have a seizure, if any at all, after which they quickly recover.