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Q: Can milk of hiv infected mother cause HIV?
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If you share underwear with an HIV infected person can you get HIV?

No. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.)

Can a man get HIV from a HIV infected woman?

HIV, which cause aids, are passed from person to person by bodily fluids. Females can get infections from both male and females, by sexual intercourse (Both vagainal and anal), oral sex, from blood infected with HIV (for example an open wound splashed with infected blood, or re-using a needle to inject drug, previously used by someone infected) or from breast milk.

Does HIV spread by milk shakes?

Theres no risk of HIV infection by milk shake. HIV does not live long outside the body. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk.

How does a person acquire the HIV virus?

You don't actually "get" AIDS. You might get infected with HIV, and later you might develop AIDS. You can get infected with HIV from anyone who's infected, even if they don't look sick and even if they haven't tested HIV-positive yet. The blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people infected with HIV has enough of the virus in it to infect other people. Most people get the HIV virus by: * having sex with an infected person * sharing a needle (shooting drugs) with someone who's infected * being born when their mother is infected, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman Getting a transfusion of infected blood used to be a way people got AIDS, but now the blood supply is screened very carefully and the risk is extremely low.

Describe how an individual contracts the HIV virus?

HIV is contacted by contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

Can you get HIV from sharing bath towle?

No. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk.

How to control spread of hiv and aids in nursery setting?

HIV is spread through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk. Preventing the spread of HIV requires avoiding contact with infected body fluids.

How is HIV transmitted from mother to child?

You can't transmit AIDS - you only transmit HIV (the virus which can cause AIDS). Given good medical care, the risk of mother-to-child transmission can be reduced to almost zero. Without that medical care, the chances of transmission are around 30%.

The newborn of an HIV-infected mother on antiretroviral therapy has what chance of becoming infected?

Pregnant women on combined antiretroviral therapy are at a 1-2% risk of transmitting HIV to the fetus.

What are the four main ways that HIV is spread?

Semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk and blood.

How does a person become infected by AIDS?

Sex: exchanging semen, vaginal fluid or blood with an infected person. Drugs: sharing a needle with an infected person Milk: a baby in the womb if the mother is HIV + Blood: blood transfusion with infected blood (very rare nowadays)

Can spinal fluid contain HIV?

Spinal fluid from a HIV infected person does contain HIV, and in enough quantity to cause the virus to transfer.