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Any flying insect or bird aids in pollinating flowers. God made them this way, and they have no idea that this is what they are doing. It is just their way of life.

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Q: Can monarch butterflies pollinate flowers
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Related questions

What do butterflies do for work?

pollinate flowers

Why do butterflies visit flowers?

because butterflies loves flowers

What can butterflies do that other animals can't?

Butterflies pollinate flowers and plants.

How are bees butterflies and some mammals important to flowers?

Bees, butterflies and some mammals pollinate flowers.

What is special about monarch butterflies?

Well, for one they are beautiful insects and they help pollinate our flowers. They are not better than other butterflies they are just more commonly known. ---- One of the unique features of the monarch butterfly is its annual migration pattern. Millions of monarch butterflies travel an estimated 4,800 km to winter in California and Mexico.

Does a monarch eat animals and insects?

Monarch butterflies eat nectar from flowers.

How does a flower benefit from a butterfly?

Butterflies going from one flower to another helps with pollination of flowers. Some flowers are not able to self pollinate and need assistance from insects like butterflies.

Are monarch butterflies helpful to the world?

Yes, While feeding on nectar, they pollinate many types of wildflowers.

Do butterflies spread pollen to create other flowers?

Butterflies are not going to flowers specifically to pollinate ..... A butterfly is eating nectar from flowers. Pollination is simply a by-product of the butterfly eating nectar.

Do butterflies pollinate flowers?

Yes they do, they suck it up through a little straw on the front of their body.

Do cicadas pollinate flowers?

No, cicadas do not function as pollinators. As members of the True Bug order Hemiptera, the Cicada has piercing and sucking mouthparts. They primarially pierce the twigs of bushes and tress and then feed on the sap within. Since they are not attracted to flowers there is no way for them to intentionally or unintentionally pollinate anything.

How do butterflies affect the environment?

Butterflies affect the environment by pollinating flowers, fruit and other types of trees, which in turn affects the environment.