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Q: Can monarch butterfly eat their own species?
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What is the binomial name for a monarch butterfly?

European Peacock Butterfly is Inachis io.White Peacock butterfly is Anartia jatrophae.Brown Peacock Butterfly is Anartia amathea.Several other butterflies are referred to as Peacocks.

What do butterflies eat in the rainforest?

There are over 2,000 species of butterflies that live in the rainforest. Every layer in the forest has its own characteristic butterfly fauna. Many species, particularly the hairstreaks and metalmarks spend their lives almost entirely in the tree tops.

Is it illegal to own a butterfly?

Not in general. There may be some protected species in some countries.

Select one butterfly type and discuss the relationship between the coloration and attributes of the butterfly with regard to each predator species?

Do your own research man

Do butterflies lay eggs on there abdomen?

No. Eggs are in their abdomens and they lay their eggs either on or near their host plants. Host plants are the plants that the caterpillars eat. Each butterfly has its own specific species of plant or plants that it can eat as a caterpillar.

Do killer whales eat their own species?


Why butterfly's name is called butterfly?

O.E. buttorfleoge, perhaps based on the old notion that the insects consume butter or milk that is left uncovered. Or, less creatively, simply because the pale yellow color of many species' wings suggests the color of butter. Another theory connects it to the color of the insect's excrement.That's not the scientific name its only a common name, each specific species of butterfly has its own name, binomial nomenclature. Binomial nomenclature is the naming of a specific organism, the first word being the genus labeling the the exact species then getting into more detail based on size, coloring, flight distance, etc. The Anglo-Saxons used the word 'butterfloege' because their most common butterfly was the yellow brimstone butterfly. This English influence was brought to the new world.

What is the butterfly's scientific name?

Eurema hecabe

What kind of cannibals are there?

Only one type. The type that eat their own race. For example: In the human world, we classify cannibals as people who eat other people. Here is another: If a butterfly ate another butterfly, that said butterfly would be said a 'cannibal'.

Does the male butterfly lay the eggs?

butterfly is an asexual species meaning that they produce their babies themselves so basically they have no gender they are sexless and if you don't know what asexual is it means they make their own babies

Can mammals eat their own species?

Of course! You can feed a pig bacon.

Is a crocodile a cannibal?

Yes they are because they will eat anything even their own species.