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Absolutely not!! A monetary payment for acts of abuse or racism neither "make-up for" nor excuse such behavior but at times it is the only viable way to exact some sort of compensation and justice for a wrong that has been done.

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No amount of money can fully make up for abuse and racism. Healing and reconciliation require acknowledgment, apology, and meaningful actions to address the harm caused. Money may be part of reparations and restitution, but it is not a substitute for genuine efforts to repair relationships and remedy systemic injustices.

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How many people get abused each year?

Many people get abused by someone beating them up or getting jumped on.Another reason is that they might get burned by something or somebody

Is 777 related to racism?

The number 777 itself is not inherently related to racism. However, it could be used in certain contexts or by certain groups with racist ideologies. In general, it is important to consider the surrounding context and the intentions of the individuals using the number in order to determine if it is being used in a racist manner.

How does Racism affect the people experiencing the racism?

Racism can have serious psychological impacts on individuals, leading to feelings of anger, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. It can also result in social and economic disadvantages, limiting opportunities for education, employment, and healthcare. Persistent exposure to racism can lead to a sense of alienation and distrust in society.

How is poverty a result to children on street?

Children living on the street are often in poverty due to factors such as family instability, lack of access to education and healthcare, and limited economic opportunities. These children may be forced to leave home in search of better living conditions, but end up on the streets where they are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Poverty exacerbates their situation by limiting their ability to meet basic needs and access support services.

How does child abuse happen?

Child abuse can happen in various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. It often occurs due to a lack of control or coping mechanisms on the part of the abuser, underlying issues such as substance abuse or mental health problems, or a history of abuse in the abuser's own past. It is crucial to raise awareness, provide support, and report any suspicions of child abuse to appropriate authorities.

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Pharmacies make money by marking up the medications that they sell. On average they mark up the drugs by 15 to 30 percent.

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Racism that leads to murdering Marie and ends up killing Frank.

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They Make Up To 135,950 A Year

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to make money

How do you make up for sending a racist joke to everyone on your email list by mistake knowing that it will offend some of the people who received it?

Just tell them that you are very sorry about it. If they are still mad that is there problem maybe they should have a sense of humor? Or you could ask them what you can do to make up for it. Of course, you could, if you wanted, attend some workshops on racism or join an organization tackling racism.

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depending on the case lawyers can earn up to £90,000 a year

Why is Bigger represented as a native son?

Bigger is a product of his environment. He grew up in poverty with limited oppurtunities to make a difference due to institutional racism

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it means when you make money

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