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We had one in the bathroom that changed it's color to match the mirror frame. The frame is black with gold specks. Then it flew onto the wall and again changed to match the wall's color (beige). I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

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yes in trees and woods. by marczon

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Q: Can moths change there color to the background behind them?
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Does the American dagger moth change colors?

Well most American dagger moths do change color, so that would be a yes

When can change of color be a physical change?

When an animal or species adopts to their suroundings. example, a species of white moths live in a community, very bountiful. Then some trees of a nearby forest get cut down leaving some birds homeless. so they go to the town with all the moths, the moths stick out so the are rapidly eaten. so they slowly change color, then they get darker and they become harder to see.

How do moths camoflouge?

To hide from sharp-eyed predators like birds, many moths have cryptic coloration (camouflage) which makes them difficult to see against a particular background. Many moths have the color and patterns of tree bark. A moth's cryptic coloration protects it from birds and other preditors.

How do moths get there color?

from their surroundings

What caused a change in color of the majority of London gypsy moths?

They evolved in response to changing selection pressures (specifically predation by birds) as levels of pollution changed. The pollution reduced the effectiveness of the moths natural camouflage, resulting in the more visible moths being eaten by birds in large quantities, the less visible moths then were the only ones reproducing and their color became dominate in the population.

What is a charteristic of a butterfly?

Butterflies are prettier than moths. Moths are an icky brown color. XP

What makes moths different from butterflies?

One way butterflies are different from moths: is that butterflies are active during the day while moths are active at night. Another one is that butterflies differ in color while moths are typically one color.

Why are moths different color than butterflies?


What best summarizes the peppered moths in England after the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution caused pepper moths to adapt to a darker color due to the soot and ash everywhere so that they could hide from predators better, which made the black to gray moth ratio pull towards black. After the Industrial Revolution was over however then the black peppered moths numbers started to decrease and the grayish peppered moths number began to increase. This is evidence of adaptation.The population of light-colored moths decreased and the population of dark-colored moths increased.

What moth family are the tiger moths a part of?

Tiger moths are a part of the family Arctiidae. These moths are bright in color and have markings similar to the tiger, which help give this insect its name.

Do girl inchworms change into moths?

Yes they can.

Why are they called peppered moths?

Peppered moths are a certain species of moth that inhabited trees. when the industrial revolution came, it made a lot of the trees black. the moths had to keep themselves hidden from birds, so some of the moths turned a black/brown color. It almost looks like they have pepper on them. Most of the moths just migrated to a different location, keeping their light original color.