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Not as a single factor, but as a part of an overall case.

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Q: Can moving a boyfriend into your home affect the outcome of a child custody case?
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Can I keep joint custody of my child when moving in with boyfriend when not yet divorced?

If the father agrees, then it's fine. If not, you'll need to involve lawyers.

Can a father take away the children if mother has primary custody after divorce and moves in with boyfriend?

This is 100% up to the judge. To change the custody agreement or order requires a trip back to court. Would like to add however that moving in with the boyfrind as long as he is not a danger to the kids, is not something that normally changes custody. It's just moving on with life after the divorce.

Can a custodial mother move in with a boyfriend and still keep the children?

Moving in with a boyfriend or visa versa does not change a custody order unless there are provisions in the custody order prohibiting it. However, the non-custodial other parent may want to raise issue out of spitefullness. However, the only thing the court would be concerned with (and so should you) is if the boyfriend is unfit to be with the children.

Can your dad stop you from moving in with your moms parents if he doesn't have custody?

No he cant he doesnt have any rights over you. if your mom has custody over you she can tho.

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New crust formation.

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If the train is moving, then that is a very likely outcome.

Can I move in with my boyfriend if I am 14 years old?

You are only 14 moving in with your boyfriend is not a good option. so no.

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Can one married parent stop their child from living with a parent and their boyfriend?

The court decides about custody. None of the parents can dictate to the other who the child is allowed to be around or not when they have their custody days. Unless the person is unfit to be around children and then you better have good proof for the court. If the young couples are below age of consent and you know they are having sex you might have a case so they are at least not allowed to sleep in the same room.Another PerspectiveIf the parents are still married I would predict that the father could object to his wife moving in with her boyfriend with the children. It would not be difficult to convince the court that would be an unhealthy situation for the children. The mother is free to make her own decisions that affect herself but does not have the automatic right to include the children. The father should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and divorce.

Can the father of your child stop you from moving if there is no custody order in place?

no you have to stay with the parent that has custody

Can a parent get custody of the child if the other parent is in the process of getting own place?

Temporary custody yes, if the other parent, who's moving, has been granted permanent custody but has no place to live at the moment. If you are married and can't agree on custody you have to go to court and let the judge decide.