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Q: Can ncic data be used for any licensing purpose?
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how is data collected and used for the purpose of national statistics

What is the purpose of a data dictionary?

A data dictionary provides a comprehensive list of data elements with detailed descriptions, including their meaning, relationships, and structure. It serves as a reference guide to ensure consistency, accuracy, and understanding of data across an organization. It helps in data management, data integration, and data governance practices.

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The purpose of health care data sets is to provide useful and meaningful information of data, so that it is used properly and effectively. The purpose lies in the fact that data collected can be brought to full practice.

What kind of graph is used to compare different kinds of data?

Any graph can be used for such a purpose.

What is the purpose of plotting and collecting data on a graph?

The plotting of data on a graph is used to observe, and subsequently describe, visible patterns that exist within the data.

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Password is treated as a security purpose it is used for security purpose no person can theft or loss the data or information.

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The Omniform software is used for extrapolating the data exported from a data drive. The purpose of this software is to fragment the data in a way that is presentable to another programmer to continue working off of.

What is the main purpose of the structure?

To arrange data in a particular manner.these manner or set of rules is defined in the data structure so that the data used in computer systems can properly used at necessary time.

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The main purpose to use server is to access/retrieve data/information from a centralised database. it is also used to store the data/information which could be used in future. Servers could be dedicated or shared depending on the need.

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It is used to keep track of the data packets being sent to and from hosts.

What is the purpose of data marts?

A Data Mart is a type of tool used in computing data. Data Warehouses, or data storage servers, use the Data Mart to ensure data is delivered to customers. It is also known as the "access layer" of the warehouse program.

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A special ledger is used for reporting purposes. It receives data from all modules and summarizes data for user defined reporting purpose.