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Nerves are a part of the body's nervous system, and Migraine is a genetic neurological disease. Yes, Migraine affects the nervous system of the patient during an attack.

For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

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Q: Can nerves be affected by migraine?
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What nerves are affected during a face massage?

All the nerves that located in the face and head will be affected. These are called the cranial nerves and there are twelve of them. The ones most commonly known to be affected are the Trigeminal Nerve (CN V), Facial Nerve (CN VII), and the Vagus Nerve (CN X).

Can a muscle relaxer such as Skelaxin or Flexeril help with atypical migraine?

A muscle relaxer can help to decrease inflammation on nerves which are just itching to act out and blow up into a migraine. (As in, your muscles are tight and consticting nerves the nerves are constricted and increased inflammation, the whole migraine process gets kicked off). They can also assist in ending migraines, by helping to not prolong certain nerves from being in flames. They can also help you deal with bothersome affects, such as tightening of muscles during a migraine. Muscle relaxers will not help with the hemiplegia, numbness, or weakness that may occur in the body during atypical migraine. They are not considered a migraine abortive, so they aren't something which you can take to end the migraine. As far as muscle relaxants go, Tizanidine (Zanaflex) is what many headache specialists are using. Sometimes they pair this with Baclofen, which works on GABA like Neurontin does to control pain, but mainly works as an anti-spasmodic. These are paired together as a preventative measure, for people with forms of chronic daily headache.

What are the primary nerves affected by thoracic outlet syndrome?

The lower two nerves (C8 and T1) are most commonly affected in 90% of persons, following the ulnar nerve distribution.

Is the thalamus affected by cadasil?

Most patients with cadasil experience pain in the head with headache, or migraine.

Can the cranial nerves cause shooting pain in the head and ringing in the ears?

Yes, it may be possible for these symptoms to be the result of problems with cranial nerves, however an appropriate diagnosis may be important if you have these symptoms. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and information on Migraine and headache disorders, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

Whatbodyparts are affected by the nerves in the cervical spine?

Arms, shoulders, and hands

How many nerves will be affected when you frown?

1 called the facial nerve.

What two nerves affect the rate of the heartbeat how are they affected?

sinoatrial node

How is the nervous system affected by meningitis?

it loses control over the nerves.

What lobe in the brain affected when you have migraine?

All of them can be affected. It is really the blood vessels that are affected which then can affect any of the lobes when there is less oxygen in the blood vessel due to the swelling of the blood vessel wall.

Can napprox use for preventing migraine pain?

Naprox (naproxen sodium) can be used to treat migraine. As a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, it works directly on the inflammation of nerves and blood vessels that are causing you so much pain during a migraine. Naproxen can also be used in helping to prevent migraines by reducing prostaglandins in the body which set up inflammation which kicks off the migraine process.