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Q: Can not straighten knee or put weight on knee?
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Should you straighten your leg after a knee subluxation?

No, you should not straighten your leg after a knee subluxation as this action could further hurt your knee joint.

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Need workers to bend and straighten the knee?


Which muscle that will make the knee bend when it contracts. Which muscle that will make the leg straighten at the knee when it contracts. which of that two muscle is a lexor and an extensor?

The flexor would be the hamstring, and gastrocnemius, which bend/flex the knee. The quadriceps, are extensors, which straighten/extend the knee.

What makes a knee lock up or not straighten?


What is the primary job of the quadriceps muscle?

to extend of straighten the knee

How do you unlock knee?

My knee sometimes locks and I can not make my leg straight. I usually can wiggle it or bend my knee up to my chest and put my hands under my knee and pull up. One time it was so severe I could not straighten. I was instructed to put your two thumbs together and push at the bottom of your knee cap as hard as you can. Push directly in the middle of your knee cap and you will feel and hear it pop. What a relief.....

How do you step?

one foot in front of the other watch 'step up' the movie! i never really thought about this.. but 1: shift weight onto one foot 2: bring knee up on you other foot, letting below your knee hang loose 3: straighten from your knee to your ankle and shift your weight forward. 4: shift weight onto the foot you just put down and repeat with other foot... AND OMG! you've just stepped.. kinda awkwardly though..

Can gaining weight cause knee pain?

Carrying additional weight will put extra stain on your knees, and can commonly abuse knee pain. Recent studies have also noted that heavier people develop more arthritis in their knees over time. A small weight loss can lessen knee pain.

What muscles work together to straighten your leg?

The muscles used to straighten the leg are commonly known as the Quadriceps, a group of four muscles on the front of the thigh. This, however, is only the cast when the knee is isolated. If you were to stand up from a squatted position, you would also be using your gluteal muscles as well as your hamstrings to extend the thigh and stabilize the knee, while your quads and inner thigh muscles (the adductor) help to straighten the the knee. You would also be using your calf muscles to straighten the ankle.

What muscle bends your knee?

The quadriceps muscle helps straighten and extend the leg and the hamstring helps bend the knee.

Which knee do you put a softball knee slider on?

the knee that you put under your other leg