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Q: Need workers to bend and straighten the knee?
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How do you do a back kickover?

u need to learn the full split before doing this and always stretch. do complete back bend bend knee and kick off and straighten bent knee.

Which muscle that will make the knee bend when it contracts. Which muscle that will make the leg straighten at the knee when it contracts. which of that two muscle is a lexor and an extensor?

The flexor would be the hamstring, and gastrocnemius, which bend/flex the knee. The quadriceps, are extensors, which straighten/extend the knee.

What actions do the hamstring and quadriceps muscles perform?

The hamstrings straighten the knee, while the quadriceps (on the front of your thighs) bend it.

What muscle bends your knee?

The quadriceps muscle helps straighten and extend the leg and the hamstring helps bend the knee.

Why can't you bend your knee from side to side when you hold your leg out straight?

When you straighten out your leg your tendons are tighter, and then there is your patella disabling you from doing that

Should you straighten your leg after a knee subluxation?

No, you should not straighten your leg after a knee subluxation as this action could further hurt your knee joint.

What type of injury can be a strain or tear on any of the three muscles that straighten the hip and bend the knee?

Hamstring injury'STRAIN' is damage to a muscle or tendon (whereas a 'sprain' is ligamentous and has different symptoms;there are more than 3 muscles that straighten the hip and bend the knee, but it sounds like you're talking about the hamstring group.I'd commonly call it a hamstring strain.Is that the term you're looking for?hamstring injuryhamstringHamstring

How long does it take for your knee to straighten after total knee replacement?


What are the muscles of knee?

The main muscles of the knee are the quadriceps (4 muscles which straighten the knee) and the hamstrings (3 muscles that bend the knee). Quadricep Muscles: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis Hamstring Muscles: Semimembranosus, Semitendonosus, Biceps Femoris The other muscles around the knee are Popliteus (at the back of the knee) and the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus)

What does the knee joint do?

"It bends when you need it too. If we did not have that then you wouldn't be able to walk."what.

What is the duration of Cowards Bend the Knee?

The duration of Cowards Bend the Knee is 3600.0 seconds.

When was Cowards Bend the Knee created?

Cowards Bend the Knee was created in 2003-02.