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Yes. O-negative can give to any blood type.

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Q: Can o- give to AB plus blood?
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Can a donor with type AB give blood to someone with type O?

No, a Type AB blood donor could not give to a Type O recipient. The A & B refer to antigens, or proteins, on the surface of the red blood cells. Type O people have neither A nor B antigens, thus, their body rejects the donor blood, which has both A and B antigens. Here is a chart: Type Given Can Receive: O O, A, B, AB A A, AB B B, AB AB AB This is not exactly correct, but for the intents of your question, it should serve. The exact blood types would be O, A plus, A minus, B plus, B minus, AB plus, and AB minus.

What is the blood type of the baby if the mother is o plus and the father is ab plus?

then the baby will be O plus, or AB plus , I think .

Can a child be o plus blood if the father is ab plus and the mother is o plus?


Can AB- give blood to AB?

Yes. O-negative can give to any blood type.

Could a mother with ab plus blood type and father with o plus blood type have ab plus baby?


What is the blood type of an offsrping with a O plus mother and AB plus father?

The children can be A positive or B positive but not O or AB.

What can AB blood donate to?

Well for starters we would have to see what RH group you are in you see AB+ can receive blood from people that are A+ A- B+ B- O+ O- AB+ AB- but can only give to people that are AB+.If you are AB- you can receive from blood types A- B- O- and AB- but you can give to people that are AB+ and AB-.

Who can i give blood to if I'm type ABO?

there are no blood type as ABO there are practically 4 types of blood groups i.e. A, B, AB and O O blood group can donate blood to all other groups A can give to A and AB B can give to B and AB AB blood group can only give blood to AB only but can receive blood from all other groups

What are differences between blood types?

Blood type A+ positive cand donate to people that have types A+ or AB+. They can receiver blood from Apos & neg, O pos & neg. Type O+ can give to O+ A+ B+ AB+ & only receive from O pos & neg Type B+ can give to B+ and AB+ and receive from B pos & neg; O pos & neg. Type AB+ can give only to AB+ and receive from EVERYONE A- (neg) can give to A pos & neg; AB pos & neg & receive from A neg & O neg. O- (neg) can give to EVERYONE and receive only O - (neg) B- (neg) can give to B pos & neg; AB pos & neg and receive from B- and O- AB- can give to only AB neg & pos and receive from AB-, A-, B-,O- **Type O blood is the universal blood type and is the only blood type that can be transfused to patients with other blood types **There is always a need for Type O donors because their blood may be transfused to a person of any blood type in an emergency

What can o positive blood receive?

O blood can only receive from O. O can give to A, B, AB, and O.

Who can give to blood type O positive?

Type O positive can give to O+, A+, B+, AB+.

Can rh blood and b- make o plus blood?

It's like comparing apples and oranges. Rh is either + or -. There are A, B, AB and O blood types. So you can get: A + or - B+ or - AB + or - and O + or - blood types.