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Q: Can o pos and a pos have a healthy baby?
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If mother is A plus and the father is O plus can the baby be A negative?

Yes. And I am A neg. Dad is O pos and mom A pos

If the parents are blood Type A neg and Type O pos could they have a Type A pos child?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mother type A neg --can be AA or AO with Rh (--) = contributes A, O, (-)Father type O pos --can only be OO with Rh (++), (+-) = contributes O, (+), (-)Baby receives one gene from each parent: Baby is type AO with Rh (+-) or (--) = Type A pos/negBaby is type OO with Rh (+-) or (--) = Type O pos/negYES, these parents could produce a Type A positive child.

If you have blood type O neg and your wife has O pos how is it possible for your baby to have B pos?

*Note from asker: Both my parents and at least one brother have B pos blood... Possibility of a throwback gene?

Can ab neg and o pos have a baby o neg?

No. The baby could have a negative Rh factor, but it would have either the A or B blood group.

Can an O positive woman and an O positive man have a healthy baby?

Yes, absolutely - an O positive woman and an O positive man can have a healthy baby.

If an O negative male and O positive female have a child will the mother or child need a shot or special care?

No, if the male was O pos, the female was O neg, and the baby was O pos, then the mother might need a Rhogam shot. A rhogam shot prevents a "neg" mom from developing antibodies to her "pos" baby which could cause a miscarriage. It's really no big deal, just a little shot.

What blood type are you if both parents are o positive?

We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.Parental information:Mother type O pos -- can only be OO with Rh (++) or (+-)Gene contribution = O, (+), (-)Father type O pos -- can only be OO with Rh (++) or (+-)Gene contribution = O, (+), (-)Baby receives one gene from each parent: Baby is type OO Rh (++) = O posBaby is type OO Rh (+-) = O posBaby is type OO Rh (--) = O negSince the parents only have an O gene to contribute, the baby will be OO. Since they are both Rh positive, the baby may be Rh pos or Rh neg.

What can blood group O positive and O negative produce?

depends on the complete o pos, if they are o ++ all are o pos, if o + - one is o pos and one could be o neg

If a woman is O pos and a man is O neg could this endanger the baby even though the woman would not need shots?

not necessarily

Can o positive and a postivie make ab positive baby?

yes, if you both are ab pos you can have a o neg baby. it depends on what the grandparents on both sides have as well as the parents and which is "dominate"

What types can o plus donate to?

The O pos type can be called a universal donor. They can donate to any type that is also positive. Thus, O pos can donate to O pos, A pos, B pos, and AB pos. O pos should not be used in Rh negative patients in order to prevent the development of anti-D antibodies unless in an emergency and no other type is available.

Can o negative father and o positive mother have a healthy baby?
