

Can old jam be put in a compost heap?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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Q: Can old jam be put in a compost heap?
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Why should you not put old meat fish or dog or cat waste on a compost heap?

becaus to warm

What do you do with marigolds after they are done for the season?

Pull them out and put the on the compost heap.

What is the different between compose pit and compose heap?

A compost pit is composting materials put into a pit dug in the ground. A compost heap is when composting materials are placed in a heap on the surface of the ground.

What things are supposed to go in a compost heap?

the things that go in a compost heap are a variety of things, don't put food in, or moist things, use brown items such as soil, manure and green items such as vegetable waste. also put in lime, because the alkali from the lime will counter the acid which is made from decomposing the items of the compost heap. make sure to put extra soil in aswell because that is where the organisms are that make the compost heap work. :)

How do you get rid of wild tomatoes?

If you don't want them they are weeds. Pull them up and put them on the compost heap.

Why should you not put meat fish or dog or cat waste on a compost heap?

becaus to warm

What do you do with compost heap soil?

Communal gardens, community centers, and neighborhood centers are ways in which a community can use a compost heap. A compost heap may be constructed as part of a neighborhood association pooling resources. It also may serve as a role model and teaching resource in centers and schools.

Why does composting release heat?

The heat is released because the plant material you have put into the compost is being broken down by bacteria. As these bacteria work they warm up an this warms the compost - it can get very hot in the middle of a compost heap.

Can you leave dead tomato plants in the garden for compost for next year?

It is better to pull up the plants and if they are disease free put them in the compost heap. If they are diseased burn them and use the ash.

What foods decompose quickest in a compost heap?

Vegetables are the food items that compost the quickest. Leaves, plants and trimmings can decompose within six months at most. This contrasts with avocado and peach stones and with cabbage and sprout stems that will take more than three years.

Should every household have a composter?

Yes most definitely, everything from a kitchen should be put back into a compost heap, if you want to know how to do it go to: and it will show you how to make compost and liquid fertilizers

Is shredded office paper with HP 4250 black-only printer toner safe as mulch or ground cover?

Put it in the compost heap first.