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Q: Can omeprazole cause high cholesterol
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Yes, sugar does has high cholesterol because it can cause diabetes. END OF STORY BYE.

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Too much cholesterol in the blood, or high blood cholesterol, can be serious. People with high blood cholesterol have a greater chance of getting heart disease. High blood cholesterol itself does not cause symptoms, so many people are unaware that their cholesterol level is too high.

Can high cholesterol cause heat attack?

High cholesterol can definitely cause heart attack. As cholesterol accumulate in vessels, the cholesterol start to accumulate, clotting the vessels and blocking and reducing the diameter of the vessels. This cause the heart to be obligated to pump blood harder, exercing stress on the heart and potentially causing heart attack.!!

Why is consuming too many lipids bad for you?

An unhealthy diet can cause high cholesterol. Foods with high lipid content usually have a lot of cholesterol.

Can omeprazole medication cause insomnia?

The short answer: yes. The longer answer: it is unlikely that omeprazole is the cause of your insomnia. Studies of omeprazole side effects point out that a very small percentage of patients studied reported insomnia.

Can high cholesterol cause double vision?

go to your doctor and ask

Can omeprazole be used with enalapril for high blood pressure?

becareful cause it can be dangerous, specially taking any medicine with another. but it is okay. do not take the omeprazole within 2 hours of the enalapril though! very important

what are the symptons of high cholesterol?

what are the symptons of high cholesterol what are the symptons of high cholesterol what are thr sympotons of high cholesterol

How long does it take for omeprazole side effects to wear off?

I'm gonna find out, 'cause I'm quitting it today. Painfull bones, high uric acid and gout, weight gain...I'm out. Goodbye Omeprazole!