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No, the antibiotics each have a specific set of germs they're able to kill. Contact your pharmacist or health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Q: Can one antibiotic be used to treat any infection?
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The drug is an antibiotic and used to treat infections.

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Diclofenac (brand name Diclofelx) is an anti-inflammatory, not an antibiotic. It will not cure chlamydia nor any other infection.

What is flucloxacillin taken for?

I have been described it for a infection in a wound it can be used for all types of infections because it has penicillin in it can be used for other stuff aswell like phneumonia and urinary track infectionss (UTI)

Does pencillin clean urine?

Penicillin does not clean the urine. Penicillin is excreted via your urine. It is also not used to treat the urinary tract infection. Most of the bacteria that cause the infection in the urinary tract are not killed by Penicillin.

Can Cephabell Efalexin treat a chest infection?

Cephabell contains cephalexin which is an antibiotic used to treat infections of any kind which are caused by bacteria. Cephabell is in the antibiotic medicine group called Cephalosporins which kill off the bacteria causing the infection. Cephabell can be used to treat infections such as: 1. Respiratory tract (e.g. throat, tonsils, chest and lungs) 2. Nose (e.g. sinusitis) 3. Ears (e.g. otitis media) 4. Skin 5. Genitourinary tract (e.g. kidneys and bladder)

Can theraflu and amoxicillin be taken together?

Yes you can, as long as you follow the directions of a doctor and read the product information. Amoxicillin is an antibiotic which is used to treat bacterial infections. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is an analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). Used together, the antibiotic treats the source of the infection and Tylenol treats the affects (fever and pain). Always consult your doctor before taking any medications.

What antibiotic is used to treat the flu?

You would not be given any antibiotic for use to treat a cold or flu. They are both viral infections, not bacterial infections. Antibiotics are only for bacterial infections. If you have a secondary bacterial infection with a viral infection, you might be prescribed an antibiotic to treat that secondary infection, but not for the virus itself.

Can you eat antibiotic without any disease or infection?

yes no not really you will die

What is the antibiotic called used in clearing URI a cold in cats?

An upper respiratory infection in cats is generally caused by a virus, against which an antibiotic would be useless. Therefore, there should not be any antibiotics being prescribed for this unless a secondary bacterial infection was also diagnosed.

How do you treat a chemical burn from hair lip removal?

You can treat the chemical burn from upper lip by washing it with cold water do not use any soap, apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection then apply with analgesic gel to help with pain and inflammation.