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A medical abortion is only up to the 8th week so it will probably be a surgical one.

Medical AbortionA medical abortion uses two types of medicine to end a pregnancy instead of surgery. The first medication will either be an injection of methotrexate, or a tablet form of mifepristone (also known as RU-486). They both affect the body differently, so your doctor will help you decide which medication will be better for you. Methotexate stops the ongoing process of implantation of an early pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which causes the lining of the uterus to break down and end the pregnancy. 2 A second medication, misoprostol is taken in tablet form and will cause the uterus to contract and drain. A return visit is needed to ensure the abortion is complete. Medical Abortions are only an option during the first trimester of pregnancy. 2

Bleeding may occur after the first drug and this bleeding may be light or it may be like a heavy period. The misoprostol usually causes cramping and bleeding within a few hours of taking the medication. The cramps will last for several hours, and many women will pass blood clots as they are aborting. Misoprostol causes the most common side effects, which include: headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, or fatigue. 1 Cramps and bleeding will usually decrease after the embryonic tissue has been passed; however, bleeding may last for one to two weeks after the abortion.

I'm adding a link with info and links to Planned Parenthood and NAF. They have numbers you can call and look for clinics in your area.

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Q: Can one terminate 9 weeks pregnancy with injection?
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