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It is possible for citizens to use reverse phone number lookup websites to find out who owns the cell phone in question. However, police and the authorities are able to track, trace and find phone owner details from just the cell phone number.

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Q: Can one track cell phones by knowing just the cell phone numbers?
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wich track phones can you text on?

Do track phones have numbers?

yes. there just like any phone company such as Verizon or AT@T. so yeah, they have their own number that you can call and text

Can you track a cell phone that's not a smartphone And how?

The absence of the GPS on the normal phones make it hard to track the cell phone.

What if your phone was stolen?

Report it to your cell provider, and you can disconnect your phone. You can then track your phone inline through a GPS which is found in many phones

Can you track a droid if its off?

No. The way phones are tracked requires that signal from the phone is present.

How do you keep track babysitting phone numbers?

On contacts

Can a G.P.S. be used to track people?

It could track people if the person has something that has a G.P.S. thing on it, like a cell phone. Most cell phones have G.P.S, so if you have a cell phone people could track you.

Is cell phone gps tracking available for any cell phones or is it just for certain phones?

There are services like that track any phone. Be aware this uses a seperate system and not the GPS chip in your phone.

What is the purpose of using a cell phone tracker?

Cell phone trackers can be beneficial if you lose your phone. For families with kids that are using mobile phones, parents can track where they are through their phone. Also if there is ever a missing person you can track people if there is a tracking device on in their phone.

Can I use the gps on someone else's phone to track them online without them knowing?

No, that would be illegal.

Are there any cell phones that offer GPS tracking for free?

Yes there is. This cell phone is known as a blackberry. These phones come with apps that allow you to GPS track. This app can go either way, to be tracked or to track.

How is a cell phone used in business?

Cell phones are used to see e-mails and to keep in track