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I believe it depends on the table you use, however it should be able to crack at least 12 characters.

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Q: Can ophcrack crack passwords longer than 10 characters?
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What is an awesome password?

A normal password is a word of six to eight letters. Some sites require a number in the password. Regardless, they're easy to crack. While most people use such passwords, in comparison to a house, they're no more secure than locking your home but forgetting to lock all the windows. A better password will be a random setting of capital and lower case letters mixed with numbers and characters on the keyboard. This should be no less than eight letters/numbers/characters long making it much harder to crack. However, a password cracking program will still be able to break it, but the longer the password, the more time it will take. DO NOT USE RECOGNIZED WORDS, BIRTHDAYS, ETC... In comparison with the above house example, this would be like locking all your doors and windows, turning on your home alarm system, and keeping a hungry and mean dog inside. The best method for making a password is to use the random capital and lower case letters mentioned above in addition to adding special characters. These characters cannot be found located on your keyboard, so they must be created. This requires a keyboard with a number pad attached, as the numbers across the top of the keyboard will not work. To make special characters, you press and hold down the ALT key plus a series of three numbers on the number pad (AGAIN, YOU MUST USE THE NUMBER PAD). Man of these characters you can create CAN NOT be cracked by any password cracking program, making your password not only uncrackable, but one that would be virtually impossible to guess. These passwords do not need to be as long as many of the characters that can be made in this manner simply cannot be cracked, period. Keep in mind though, longer is always better. Using the house example as before, this would be like locking up your solid steel doors and impact proof windows, setting your alarm, and paying the Navy's SEAL Team Six to guard your house until you got back. I have a list of which characters are uncrackable. I learned how to do this while working in Information Warfare while in the United States Navy. Using this method, you can create passwords the government can not break.

What is a complex password?

A complex password - is one of at least 10 digits - comprising a random set of letters and numbers. For example instead of using 'python1962' (a simple password), you could use p1y9th6o2n. Complex passwords are much more difficult (a) to remember and (b) to crack.

Is it easy for people to steal someone else's passwords?

The ease or difficulty depends almost entirely on two factors: (1) the ease with which the server containing the relevant passwords can be hacked, i.e. if you want Jane's Amazon password, this metric would concern the difficulty of hacking into Amazon, and (2) the ease with which the individual computer where the password is used can be breached, i.e. access to Jane's computer. The third most important factor, but it is distant, is the simplicity of the password. Passwords like bu6iFL5apgt70pXa are much harder to crack than 123456.However, hacking is a crime in almost every country and should not be performed. This answer is only to demonstrate the ease or difficulty of performing such an activity.

How do you crack wrestling encore?

you paste crack into your wreslitn encore folder and replace it

Can anyone crack a password?

Passwords arent meant to be cracked, that is why companies spend billions on encrypting files and sites etc. However, there is password cracking software out there such as 'brute force hackers' which search through dictionaries to attempt to find the correct word/key. This process is usually very labourious and fruitless so unless its a matter of life and death I wouldn't bother attempting it.Just to nitpick, a brute force attack doesn't search through dictionaries.A dictionary attack would pull words out of a list (such as a dictionary) and will try them either separately or in random combination. If, for example, your password is "Pizza", a dictionary attack would go through a list of words. If someone were to check your password hint which was "My favourite food", they might try a list of foods.A brute force attack would simply start with the letter A, then try B, then try C, until it got to Z, then it would try AA, AB, AC and so on. I believe the term "Brute Force" refers to the fact that it doesn't rely on any "intelligence" on the cracking computer's behalf, only the raw processing power required to churn out as many attempts as possible.In my personal experience, dictionary attacks are much faster than brute force attacks, but rarely ever work. Brute force attacks *will* eventually work, but only if you give them enough time. I've been able to crack a five letter password (no numbers or symbols) on a Windows XP user account in about 30-50 seconds on a Pentium 4. A six letter password on similar hardware takes about 2-3 minutes. Each character you add will exponentially add time to how long it will take to crack. For example, if your password is one letter long, that's 26 combinations. If your password is two letters long, that's 26^2 (676 combinations). Three letters, 26^3 (17576 combinations). Most "secure" passwords require at least six characters, one number and they encourage use of symbols. Take the standard 26 letters, 10 numbers (0-9) and, say another 10 symbols. That's 46 possible characters in a six character password. 46^6 comes out to 9,474,296,896 or roughly 9.5 billion different passwords that it could be (and that's just assuming the password is only 6 characters).You also need to consider what is being cracked. Most websites and other similar password applications easily put a stop to this by locking you out of an account after you get the password wrong a number of times. Just to give you an idea of how effective this lockout policy is, if we assume every three incorrect attempts on a website will lock you out for 30 seconds, and the website requires at least six letters, one number and one symbol (which is our example above with 9.5 billion possible passwords) 9.5 billion divided by 3 password attempts times 30 seconds comes out to.. 94,742,968,960 seconds. That's roughly 3004 years not including any extra overhead like the time it takes your computer to generate the passwords or how long it takes for the website (or computer being cracked) to respond.A user account on a computer will typically lock you out after several tries, but they will usually give you what they call the password hash which can be cracked without the computer you're trying to get in to.There are many different technologies behind how passwords are designed. How a password is cracked usually depends on what it is you're trying to crack.

Related questions

How do you stop ophcrack?

If you are asking how to stop it while it is running, simply eject the CD or shut down your computer. It won't hurt your computer if you shut down "unsafely" since it only operates on the RAM and only reads, and not writes onto your hard drive. If you are asking how to stop it from running succesfully, (as in, keeping your computer secure) simply add spaces or punctuation into your password or keep your password more than 14 characters long. The free version of ophcrack cannot crack passwords with any characters other than alphanumeric or passwords longer than 14 characters. The professional version on the other hand, might be able to crack such passwords. If you wish to keep your laptop even more secure, go to System Setup (turn on your computer and press what ever key the comp. says to press for System Setup) and change the BIOS option so the computer doesn't check the CD for an OS. Then change the System Setup password so no one can just simply change the BIOS settings to boot OphCrack.

How do i keep easy passwords with using special characters letters numbers?

Instead of using passwords, use passphrases. Passwords longer than twenty characters become harder for hackers to guess, and they take too long for a hacker to brute force. Upwards of thirty characters would take years to crack - the passphrase "ThisPasswordIsVeryDifficultToCrack" would take years to crack, but it's obvious. Trying a passphrase such as "HorseDogLlamaChickenOneHundredAndSixtyFourBlue" is not as difficult to remember as "£hwne&n8HG(^$J" but is just as secure.

Where and when does ophcrack live CD show password info?

Ophcrack Live CD show password info in a dialogue box after booting up the computer and performing a Brute Force crack of the Windows user files. The software is based on the Unix/Linux kernel.

What stops a person from choosing a good password?

Nothing. Good passwords should never include your name, initials, street address numbers, telephone numbers, names of relatives or pets or relatives birth dates, license plate numbers, your occupation, nickname, social security or military Id numbers. They should contain both alphabetic and numeric characters. They should be at least eight characters long and the longer the password, the more secure it is. Or, Plenty. Good passwords take longer to crack than the patience of the attacker's methods to work. Passwords of 8 places with only characters and numbers can take less than 1.5 minutes to crack in with stock Pentium 4 desktops. But, no one updates this advice -- it remains or unchanged or technically updated since 1970. These results have been valided on groups of 10,000 users or more. Why would people given the advice above, not choose a good password?

Is there a legit program to crack roblox passwords?

yes but thats mean!

Who are the Mian characters in crackback?

who are the characters in crack back

What is another users password for facebook?

help you hack, crack, or gain passwords for accounts.

Can cops break iPhone passwords?

Cops cannot break iPhone passwords for no reason. That would be a breach of privacy, and isn't allowed for no reason. Plus, the average police officer would not have the skills to crack iPhone passwords.

What are the three basic rules for creating passwords?

There are no specific rules for creating passwords (other than not putting it on a post-it note and putting it on your computer!).Many organizations will require that you have a password with one or more of the following:At least 8 charactersAt least one capital letter, i.e. A-ZAt least one number, i.e. 0-9At least one special symbol (!@#$%^&*)However, the best passwords are long passwords. The password alongtimeagoinagalaxyfarfaraway is actually much harder to crack than Fred*123. So the phrase "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" or alongtimeagoinagalaxyfarfaraway is not only easier to remember but also harder to crack.

How do you crack Gmail account password?

You must not crack Google account passwords. They are the property of a private individual. This marks a legal issue against the policies of Gmail.

How do you figure out passwords?

You can watch the person type it, use a phishing site, or use a program designed o crack passwords. However if you don't know the password you probably shouldn't be getting it.

What passwords Meet Complexity Requirements policy in server 2003?

The longer the password the better, use different casing, and the password should have special characteristics in it, for instance, @dufS!ig)vnz#. This password almost impossible to crack (but make it but yourself).