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Yes, the driver who was At Fault is responsible for the bodily injury for anyone who has been hurt in the accident.

The percentage of payment that has to be made would depend upon the percentage of fault for the accident, the prevaling norms of the state or province where the accident ocurred.

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Q: Can other drivers claim bodily injury from your insurance for a car accident in which driver is found at fault?
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If someone has an accident and they do not own the car but the driver sends the other party to hospital who is responsible for bodily injuries in Texas?

liability insurance goes with the driver, so the drivers insurance would pay for it. If the driver does not have insurance, then the owner of the car's insurance would pay if the vehicle was knowingly lent.

Car Insurance Accident Prone Driver?

There are many programs out there suited for accident prone drivers. Try progressive.

If a taxi driver hits your car is it the drivers insurance or the owners insurance that covers the accident?

If a taxi driver hits you, and its his fault, the cab company's insurance pays.

What happens if you are driving an uninsured car and you get into an accident and it was not your fault?

The at-fault driver's insurance will pay for all property and bodily injury damages.

What happens if you have been in a car accident in a taxi and the accident was driver's fault but she had no licence and no insurance?

He gets arrested.Added: You could consult with an attorney to determine if you have a suit against the cab drivers employer. If it was an "independent" cab (driver-owned) then you might have a suit against the driver and/or his insurance company.

What happens if both drivers involved in an accident have no insurance and no police report was filed?

If both drivers have no insurance and do not file a police report, each driver is responsible for repairing the damage to his/her own vehicle.

Is young drivers insurance more expensive than elderly driver insurance?

Yes, young driver's insurance is typically more costly than elderly driver's insurance, as elderly drivers are considered to be "experienced". Young drivers are typically considered to be more of a liability.

Driver bacome subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

The amount of a claim from an accident has no bearing on the drivers legal requirement for financial responsibility. All drivers are required to carry financial responsibility before they drive. whether or not they have had an accident

The Ins and Outs of Uninsured Motorist Insurance in Virginia?

Whether in Virginia or another state, uninsured motorist insurance is often pushed aside by drivers. Unfortunately for those drivers, uninsured motorist insurance could come in handy in the case of an accident where the other driver involved does not have insurance. In Virginia, uninsured motorist insurance is actually mandatory. Residents are required to purchase uninsured motorist insurance as part of their auto insurance plan. Fortunately for residents of Virginia, uninsured motorist insurance can help protect from health care costs and other costs associate with an accident that the driver is not at fault for. Residents of Virginia are required to purchase 25/50/20 of uninsured motorist insurance with their auto insurance policy. This amount of insurance is purchased in order to cover bodily injury and damage to property costs associated with an accident. Additionally, uninsured motorist insurance can help pay for lost wages and other medical bills as a result of an accident. While uninsured motorist insurance may seem like an extra or unnecessary costs, statistics have shown that nearly 15 percent of drivers on the road do not carry liability insurance. In the case of an accident in which a driver does not have insurance, the driver at fault would be required to pay for any and all costs. If they can't, it becomes the responsibility of the other driver involved in the accident. It doesn't matter if the driver was at fault or not. In Virginia, drivers have the option of purchasing a deductible for uninsured motorist insurance. The deductible is the price that a driver is willing to pay out of pocket if they have an encounter with an uninsured driver that can not pay for damages and or medical bills. Fortunately, as it is mandatory in Virginia, purchasing uninsured motorist insurance or paying for a deductible is relatively inexpensive. As with all types of auto insurance, prices will vary depending on the insurance company. For best deals on uninsured motorist protection rates, it's best to shop around.

If both drivers in an accident are uninsured does it matter who was at fault?

Even if a driver was uninsured, the driver who was at fault is responsible for paying for repairs. Not having insurance does not take away responsibility.

Will your health insurance cover bodily injury in a car accident?

Yes, but only as a secondary coverage to all other auto insurance claims you might have (like bodily injury liability against the at fault driver or personal injury protection coverage in no-fault states).

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?