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Yes. The USDA has issued several criteria in determining whether or not seafood is organic. See the related links for the full guidelines.

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Q: Can oysters be certified organic by the USDA?
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What is certified organic witch hazel?

Witch hazel that is organic is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizer, pesticide or herbicides. Certified means that is grown by someone who has obtained organic certification by the USDA.

Can you still call a product organic if it does not have the organic label?

Yes, if it was grown to organic specifications. You cannot claim it is "certified organic" unless you have been approved by the USDA.

Who decides whether a food can be certified organic or not?

In the United States, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) determines whether a food meets the requirements of "certified organic." Not all organic growers go through the process of becoming certified organic, even though they grow organically.

How long does it take to become certified organic?

In order to be considered "Certified Organic" in the United States, growers have to meet the requirements for organic growing set by the USDA and apply for certification to that agency. If certification is granted, the grower can use the USDA "Certified Organic" seal and their food is considered "certified organic." That is not to be confused with food being organic. Food can be grown organically and not be "certified organic." The only difference is that those who do not apply to the USDA cannot use the USDA "Certified Organic" seal or claim that their food is certified organic.

How do you register your food as organic?

In the United States in order to become a certified organic grower, you have to go through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). They have an application and approval process, but it can become costly to become certified by them. You can grow organic food without going through that process, but you can't claim that it is "certified organic."

Is the USDA sticker on all organic foods?

No, the USDA sticker is not on all organic foods. All foods labeled as organic must be certified by an "agent" that must be certified by USDA. Any product that is certified organic is also USDA certified organic.

What was the name of the first certified organic restaurant in the US?

As far as who was the first restaurant to use all ingredients that are organic, that is hard to say at this point. But, A restaurant doesn't get certified organic. The ingredients that a organic restaurant would use would be certified through the United States Department of Argiculture "USDA" YOu've probably seen those little circled USDA seals on packages and wrappings in grocery stores, this means that it was inspected and they found no chemicals in the ingredients.

Where do you get organic foods?

You can get organic foods in virtually any large grocery store chain in America. You can recognize organic foods by the green USDA Certified Organic label. If you are buying produce, organic produce will have a sticker that starts with the number 9.

What organic agency certified Domino organic sugar?

Quality Assurance International is the organic agency that certifies Domino organic sugar. The product in question results from incorporation of certified organic sugarcane and production compliant with United States Department of Agricultural National Organic Program standards. QAI serves as a U.S.-based USDA-accredited international organic certification company headquartered in San Diego, California.

What is the difference between certified organic and organic compliant?

In the United States, the Department of Agriculture considers products organic if they are made with [1] 100% organic ingredients, [2] at least 95% organic ingredients, or [3] at least 70% organic ingredients. The remaining ingredients - 5% and 30%, respectively, for cases [2] and [3] - must meet strict requirements, such as absence of genetically modified organisms. Cases [1] and [2] can move from organic compliant to certified organic status. For the minimum organic content must be 95%, to be eligible to go through the certification process. Cases [1] and [2] become certified organic if they have been verified, inspected, and certified as having been produced according to US national organic standards. Verification, inspection, and certification are carried out by private or state organizations that have been USDA-accredited. With certification, case [1] and [2] products can carry the USDA organic seal.

Are there different types of organic?

Yes and no. True organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and do not contain any GMOs. That is not always the way it is, though. The USDA allows synthetic pesticides to be used under certain circumstances, so even if a food is labeled 100% organic or USDA certified, there is a chance that it is not totally organically grown.

How is organic food growing monitored?

To grow organic food, no artificial (man-made) fertilizers or pesticides are used. The soil is built-up (improved) naturally, usually by adding compost and manure or plowing under cover crops. Pests are controlled using natural means, such as beneficial insects or companion planting for insects and natural substances or pulling to kill weeds.