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The parents could have kicked their daughter out at age 18. At 21 she is a young woman and should not even be living at home unless she is going to college and cannot afford a place of her own. Otherwise she should be out on her own and experiencing independence and have her own place to live.

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Q: Can parents kick out 21 year old daughter in Illinois?
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Send her to live with family until she's 18

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Legally, parents can ask a 20-year-old to leave the house if they are not providing financial support, but the exact laws vary depending on the location. It's important to check local laws and communicate openly with your family to find a resolution that works for everyone.

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In most places, parents are legally responsible for their children until they turn 18. However, depending on the circumstances, parents might be able to involve social services or the legal system if there are safety concerns or if the child is not following rules. It's best to consult with a legal professional for guidance in such situations.

Can a 16 or 17 year old legally move out of parents home in Illinois?

Not without the permission of their parents. Until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in Illinois, their parents determine where they live.

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Simple answer yes.

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Yes, but the high school has the right to kick you out if you are doing poorly, disrupting other students, or breaking the rules of the school.

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Can Indiana parents evict an 18 year old child who is still in high school particularly if they are endangering the family?

Yes, in Indiana a person is considered an adult at the age of 18 even if they are still in high school. This gives the parents rights to kick the son or daughter out for any reason.

Can parents kick a 17 year old out of the home?

If the 17 year old agrees to be emancipated, than yes, if not, than no.