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Q: Can parkinson disease patient be given dopamine?
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Which system is effected by pakinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease is a condition which affects the part of the brain, called the substantia Niagara . Normally this part of the brain inhibits the excessive movement in the body by releasing an substance called dopamine into the rest of the brain. Loss of this will cause the disturbed movements and other symptoms seen in parkinsonism. That is why drugs which increases the dopamine in the brain is given to treat this condition.

What fat-soluble substance is converted to dopamine in the brain?

Dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter activating dopamine receptors, and is essential to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Dopamine has many functions, the most important being the central reward system (mesolimbic brain) and in controlling and coordinating movement. It is produced from L-tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid, which is converted into L-DOPA by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. L-DOPA is then converted to dopamine by the enzyme DOPA decarboxylase. L-DOPA is the precursor to dopamine and is given as medication to people suffering from diseases such as Parkinson's Disease because, unlike dopamine, L-DOPA is more fat-soluble, and, as such, can cross the blood-brain barrier.

What releases dopamine?

Dopamine can be supplied as a medication that acts on the sympathetic nervous system, producing effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. However, because dopamine cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, dopamine given as a drug does not directly affect the central nervous system. To increase the amount of dopamine in the brains of patients with diseases such as Parkinson's disease and dopa-responsive dystonia, L-DOPA (levodopa), which is the precursor of dopamine, can be given because it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Source :

Why emetics not given to unconscious patient?

Because - an emetic is given to force the patient vomit. If given to an unconscious patient - the patient could choke if the vomit enters the airway.

Vancomycin can be given to patient of aspergellosis?

No, vancomycin is usually given for Gram-positive bacterial infections and aspergillosis is caused by fungal disease. These fungal diseases are best treated with antibiotics like amphotericin-B .

Can chemotherapy be given to a patient with cirrhosis?

To give a chemotherapy in a patient of cirrhosis is very risky. Treating physician is the best judge in a given patient.

Is disease management helpful to cancer patients that are currently in remission?

It can be very helpful depending upon the treatment given to the patient. If the patient is reciving treatment that weakens the immune system, diseases such as even the common cold can easily be deadly.

How does colon cancer become systemic?

The patient with distant metastases has systemic disease. Thus, the cancer originating in the colon begins locally and, given time, can become systemic.

What prescription medications have dopamine in them?

Dopamine hydrochloride (the drug) is a vasopressor. That is, it causes the blood vessels to constrict and thereby raises blood pressure. It can also increase heart rate. Dopamine itself is a naturally occurring neurohormone that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Why dopamine precursors have to be given 45 minutes before taking any meal that is rich in protein or amino acid?

to inhibit GIT absorption of L-dopa (dopamine precursor) and to allow its passage to CNS.

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Legalized mercy killing has a lot of advantages. If a terminal patient is able to consent, they can be given medicine so that they do not have to suffer through a painful disease.

How is a patient with kidney disease treated for anemia?

Epoetin alfa, or EPO (sold under the trade name Epogen), a hormone therapy, and intravenous or oral iron supplements are used to manage anemia in dialysis patients