

Can penguins be domestic

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Can penguins be domestic
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How much money did Mr. Poppers's Penguins gross domestically?

Mr. Poppers's Penguins grossed $68,224,452 in the domestic market.

What land animals eat penguins?

In Antarctica, there aren't any land animals that eat penguins. The only animals that eat penguins are some of the whale species. This changes where penguins live further north. For example, on Australia's southern coast, where Fairy Penguins (also known as Little penguins) roost at night, domestic dogs have been getting past the protective barriers and killing them.

Who is non aerial birds?

Some non-flying birds are penguins, ostrich, emu, cassowaries, kiwis, rheas, and domestic turkeys.

What are the predators of a penguin?

seals. watch march of the penguins. Penguins have many predators, from birds who eat the penguin's eggs, these include skuas, sheathbills, caracaras to the animals that eat the chicks and adult penguins. These include the shark, stoats, a weasel like creature, seals and sea lions, orcas, domestic dogs and of course man.

What animals are just back and white?

Siberian tiger, zebra, some penguins, killer whale, some domestic cats, dalmatians, some dog breeds...

What type of a creature is an Indian Runner?

Indian Runners are an unusual breed of domestic duck. They stand erect like penguins and, rather than waddling, they run.

Where were the penguins in Mr. Poppper's penguins from?

Mr. Poppers penguins were Gentoo penguins.

How many species of penguins are there in the world?

There are seventeen species of penguins in the world. Some of these include emperor penguins, Galapagos penguins, king penguins and Humboldt penguins.

What are the types of penguins?

there are heaps - adelli penguins, rockhopper penguins, fairy penguins, emperor penguins, just to name a few

What are Giant Penguins?

Giant Penguins are emperor penguins:

What other animal live with penguins?

many diffrent animals live with penguins but it has to be a penguin

What is penguins body's called?

a penguins body is called: A penguins body. ITS EASY!