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Q: Can penicillin cause stomach problems or heartburn?
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Can bananas cause heartburn?

Heartburn is not caused by just certain foods. It is caused by gastric reflux and hyperacidity in the stomach. Yes, a banana could cause heartburn.

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Can beer cause heartburn?

Beer can cause heartburn. In order to avoid this condition, either refrain from drinking beer, or don't drink on an empty stomach.

What is the general PH level for foods that cause heartburn?

The general PH level for foods that cause heartburn is around a pH level of about 4. It depends on the status of your stomach before getting heartburn (e.g. whether your stomach is resistant to acidic foods initially)

What should I include in my diet that can help control heartburn or stop it from starting?

Heartburn is usually caused by a build up of acid in your stomach and/or esophagus. Acid reflux disease GERD is a common cause of heartburn. If your having regular episodes of heartburn then contact your doctor for some medication to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. Also certain types of food & drinks can cause heart burn. For example coca cola, coffee, alcohol & curries can cause heartburn or worsening of symptoms. Heartburn can also be a symptom of a stomach ulcer.

What are short term problems of hiatus hernia?

Usually none. When it does cause problems it is usually heartburn.

Can strong coffee cause heartburn?

Heartburn is experienced when acid from the stomach passes back into the food pipe causing irritation and pain. Coffee and many other foods increase acid secretion in the stomach, but this does not necessarily cause heartburn; although for some people it might. What is recommended is to be aware of the foods that cause this and avoid it.

Where does heartburn start?

Heartburn process starts from your stomach "back up" into the esophagus It's called the lower esophageal sphincter and it's located between your stomach and your esophagus.

Could club soda cause heartburn?

Sodas are among the worst drinks to cause heartburn. Any carbonated drink has a lot of acid in it, and that makes your stomach acid churn up and create heartburn. A better choice of drink for a person who suffers from heartburn is plain water or unsweetened tea or coffee (although coffee can also cause heartburn because it has so much caffeine in it).

Would penicillin cause a rash on your neck?

Some people are allergic to penicillin and can develop a rash, or more serious problems.

Does rice milk cure heartburn like dairy does?

Drinking dairy milk may temporarily relieve some of the discomfort of heartburn, but will cause the stomach to produce more acid and can make the heartburn worse. Drink water.

Can starving cause heartburn?

Yes, mainly because the acid in the stomach will start over producing and has nothing for it to be use for.