

Can people be hurt

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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yes. epecialy if you fall, slip, or get punched

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Q: Can people be hurt
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Where did the phrase hurt people hurt people originate form?

I dont know. maybe its just a random phrase. But think about it. hurt people hurt people. hurt people hurt other people. Get it?

How many people hurt animals?

o Answer Zero is incorrect. Too many people hurt animals. It is senseless and mean. It is said that people who hurt animals as children grow up to hurt and abuse people.

How many people got hurt in 911?

400,000,000 people got hurt

DO bats hurt people?

Bats do not hurt people unless they feel threatend

Why in sports do people get hurt?

You can get hurt in any sport.

Why do people hurt you?

because people feel hurt inside so they take it out on others

Why does people hurt?

People do hurt because of their sensitivity to physical harm recorded by the skin.

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No, why is because hurt people, hurt people, and when someones hurt they might try to hurt someone else like their child.

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No. Kiwi do not hurt people at all. They are quite defenceless birds.

How many people are killed or hurt through MySpace?

most people havnt been hurt to what i know

Why did people invent things that hurt the environment?

selfish people prefer to invent things which doesn't hurt them.

How can couple hurts each other?

you can hurt a person by simply telling them something mean or hurting their feelings, you hurt people because you want to get rid of your problems, and some people are just lonely and they need to teke their anger out on someone and they just hurt other people and than other people will hurt them and they won't like it but sometime ago they hurt other people the the people they hurt didn't like being hurt but they just did it anyways they didn't care, they could have stopped but they just didn't feel that it was enough they kept on going.......