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we need trees to survive because they give us air and give us wood,

without trees there wouldn't be no air.

just like without mountains.

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Q: Can people die without trees
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Does deforestation affect butterflies?

deforestation affects insects because deforestation is the cutting down on trees and without trees the insects will die without a home. ( the trees)

Why do you have to cut fewer trees down?

Because without trees everything on earth would die The trees make the oxygen that we need to survive

Why is not correct to cut down trees?

It is not okay to cut down trees because it is hurting the environment. Without any trees we would die.

What if it never rained what happens to the way we live?

The meaning of life is rain. Without it we would die. The plants and trees would die. Without plants and trees there would be nothing to convert CO2 to oxygen so we would all die.

Do trees help people?

yes they do because of trees everyone on earth can breath without trees no land creature could live that why people are recycleing and trying to save trees

What is deforestation and what problem can it cause?

im pretty sure that deforestation is when people chop down trees in one large area of a forest. problems this can cause are mostly environmental, for example, alot of animals make their homes in trees and if the trees are cut down then they will have no where else to live. also, oxygen comes from trees and without the trees there will be no oxygen, and without the oxygen, we will all die. :) hope that helped.

What will happen if there are no more trees in the forest?

People will die

Without precipitation would there still be forests?

Probably not. Without rain, the trees in the forests won't grow and will eventually die. And without trees, a forest won't exist. Trees minimize the carbon dioxide around us. So without them, the rate of global warming will increase.

Can people get sick without trees?

I know the air wouldn't be as fresh without tress....

What will happen if the people continue cutting trees?

we all die.

What are the questins asked about the rainforest?

Will the world live without trees?will we die with the great rainforest?