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It is extremely difficult for people to speak without a tongue, as the tongue plays a crucial role in forming sounds and words. Without a tongue, articulating speech would be challenging, however, it may still be possible to communicate using alternative methods such as sign language or writing.

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Q: Can people speak without a tongue?
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Can you sing without a tongue?

In the English language, and most other languages, the tongue is used to form the sounds of certain letters or words. Without one, you probably couldn't speak most languages in a decipherable way, but you could make sounds that could theoretically be made into a language for the tongueless.yes in a way

Why tongue is important?

AnswerTongue is important because without tongue you can't speak. tongue is used to taste food.

What lauguage do sewitzerland people speak?

German is there mother tongue and 63.7% people speaks this language there!

How does your tongue help you talk and why can't you talk without it?

Because it helps you shape sounds and you can speak some languages without it but generally the world-wide ones like English for instance can't be spoken without a tongue.

What does it mean by the quote there is no evidence that the tongue is connected to the brain?

i personally have never heard it but i can infer that it probably means that there is no evidence because so often people speak without thinking first.

What really accounts for differences in accent among people who speak English?

Differences in accent among English speakers can be influenced by factors such as geographical location, cultural background, first language, and exposure to different accents. These factors contribute to variations in pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm in the way English is spoken by different individuals.

Could you live without your tongue?

NO! Because you can not talk without your tongue unless you know sing languish!---Depends upon how much of your tongue is missing and whether you get prompt medical treatment. But yes, you can live if your tongue is removed. There are many records of people surviving after having their tongues cut out.

What has a tongue but can not speak?

Shoes. Sneakers.

What structure enables you to speak?

The Tongue

How do you speak better Cantonese?

Of you are cantonese, it is easier to learn but just speak it to the people you know that know cantonese or if your parents are cantonese, speak to them. There are also some lessons that might be available.

What is the mother tongue in Panama City?

Spanish is the mother tongue but many do speak English.