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Yes, but the chances of infecting their partner is very small while they take acyclovir and while they are in between break outs.

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Q: Can person on acyclovir infect partner with herpes?
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Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

Does a woman with AIDS have much HIV virus?

Yes; a person with AIDS can infect a sexual partner with the HIV if proper precautions are not taken.

How does the herpes virus that causes cold sores infect host cells differently than a cold virus would infect host cells?

The herpes that causes cold sores remains in the nervous system and is reactivated from time to time. The sore reappears at this time. A cold virus doesn't act this way in the nervous system. Once a person has a cold, that person makes enough antibodies so that the virus doesn't cause a cold again in that person.

How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

Can you sniff acyclovir?

Acyclovir is a medicine used to treat viral infections. It is prescribed given in oral form, injection form and cream form, meaning that a person cannot sniff this medicine.

Can an immunocompromised person die from herpes?

It is not likely you will die from a herpes infection.

Can old people get shingles if they are around someone who has it?

No. Shingles (herpes zoster) are a recurrent outbreak of the virus Varicella zoster that affects people who had chicken pox at an earlier age.Shingles itelf is not transmitted from person to person. However, the active virus can infect those (such as children) who have never encountered it, and they may get chicken pox.

Can you get herpes from touching someones saliva but with your fingers and their herpes not showing at the time?

Only if the person in question is infected with a Herpes viral infection of the mouth. Basically, if they have oral herpes, yes. Otherwise, no.

Can dogs have herpes?

only if they got it from a person.

Does penises have lumps on them?

Only if the person has Herpes

If you have hurpes can you still get pregnant?

Absolutely YES! Genital herpes may be passed from one person to another through close physical contact. This means sex and practically anything else that can lead to sex. This includes kissing, oral sex, anal sex, etcetera. Genital herpes does not keep you from getting pregnant. In fact, if you or your partner have genital herpes you should see a doctor immediately. The doctor can show you how to use safer birth control so you don't pass the herpes virus to each other (or anyone else) and do his/her best to make sure you don't get pregnant. Babies born to mothers with Herpes generally contract herpes when they are born from the vagina. Many times, women with genital herpes are forced to have a caesarean delivery (when they cut her tummy open and get the baby out) just to protect the baby from getting Herpes. This is VERY SERIOUS! See a doctor and learn what to do to protect yourself and your partner and NOT get pregnant until you learn more.

Can anybody get hiv drinking water bittle from a infect person?

No you can not.