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Physical weathering is mechanical action which typically erodes rock faces. This invariably results in a smaller rock.

Chemical weathering involves water absorption or other reactions. Mechanical heating and freezing can crack and fissure the rock, slightly increasing its size. In general, physical weathering is an abrading process, whether via water born sediment wearing away the rock, or wind blown particles sand blasting the rock, and these actions make reduce the rock's size.

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Q: Can physical weathering make a rock bigger?
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By weathering either by physical or chemical weathering.

What are physical and chemical weathering?

Physical Weathering: is when a rock is broken into smaller and smaller pieces. Chemical Weathering: is when the rock change due to different chemical reactions.

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Mechanical weathering is the breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means. \o/

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Physical weathering

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The type of weathering that does not alter the chemical composition of the rock is called physical weathering. The acid weathering usually alter the chemical composition of a rock.

How does physical weathering cause chemical weathering to be more effective?

by helping each other by breaking down the minerals

What are to kinds of weathering?

the types of weathering are physical and chemical. physical: like rain and ice breaking a rock. chemical: like acid rain breaking down a rock.

What are the sources of weathering?

weathering is the breaking down or dissolving of rock. There are 3 types of weathering chemical, physical and mechanical.