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Q: Can pinworms live outside the body?
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How do pinworms enter humans?

Pinworms can enter the body the pinworm eggs may get caught under the nails of a human and when the eggs hatch they dig in to the humans skin and may live there for up to two weeks

What do pinworm eat?

Pinworms eat nutrients in the anus and rectum

How long does hepitis live outside the body?

Hepatitis C can live for 1 week outside the body.

How many pinworms live inside of you at once?

3 million

Who or what can get pin worms?

Anyone can get pinworms, but they are most common in children. Pinworms are parasites that live in the digestive tract of humans. The spread of pinworms can be prevented by diligent hand washing, especially after using the bathroom and before eating.

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What is the difference between parasites and pinworms?

pinworms are parasites

Pinworms are what type of animal?

Pinworms belong to the Nematode group of worms.

Can enterococcus live outside the body?

According to my Cell Biology Lab instructor, since the bacteria is anaerobic organism, it'll be difficult for them to live outside the host's body.

How long does staphylococcus aureus live outside the body?

I am not sure how long it will live outside the body, but this does not necessarily matter as many people are carriers.

Is it bad if you have pinworms?

Pinworms invade the intestinal tract of the species which they inhabit. Pinworms are serious and can cause organ damage.

Is it possible to not notice pinworms?

It is possible for you to not notice your pinworms until they get very bad. Usually when you find your pinworms, the disease is coming to an end. The pinworms usually last for under 3 weeks WITH TREATMENT. I would recommend treating your pinworms, if not they last much longer.